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"Now this is exciting! I can't wait to see if it's a boy or a girl." You smack your forehead seeing how stupid Dipper can be sometimes. Then again seein some reaction from Dipper always made you smile. The memory came. Y'all popped up in the hospital hall with Bill back and forth.

"AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" That was definitely Lyra.

"O men, o men, o men," Bill kept repeating.

"Are you okay, sir?" A nurse asked Bill.

"Of course, I am, Why?" Bill asked.

"You seem scared. Do not worry. The Queen is strong. Her baby will be okay," she reassured him.

"I guess," he said relived.

"AAAAAHHHHHH. Get this out of me!" Both of them looked at the door.

"Now I'm scared. Is there a chance that-"

"That the queen and baby could die because she's the first to give birth to a demon even if she's good then yes there is a chance she can die," the nurse said. Bill became more scared. The reason he's not in there is because she almost blasted him to pieces. Sure they were in a hospital but anything could happen. Someone can come in and kill her and there baby. Bill was cautions. Lyra was to. Which is why she wanted to come after the birth. He was there in the beginning when she started but something happened which cause doctors to kick him out for a bit. So, him being out the room to protect was a win, win so he can go back in. He hoped. Finally the screaming stopped but that made Bill more nervous. A doctor came out the room.

"Mr. Cipher?"

"Yes?" Bill was waiting for the news.

"I am sorry to say but-" the doctor didn't get time to finish because Bill interrupted him.

"O no, please don't tell me she's..." The doctor sighed hoping he would have let him finish.

"No sir I'm sorry. I have to go see another doctor so you can see your child now. O boy will you see a surprised," he chuckled. "She's waiting for you." The doctor walked down the hall. Bill takes a deep breath before walking in the room.

"Lyra?" Bill whispered as he walked to her.

"Hey Bill," she said smiling with sweat all over her from labor. She was very exhausted, and he knew she was. Bill finally made it next to her to see their bundle of joy. Bill started to well up in tears.

"It's a boy if you're wondering," Lyra chuckled.

"Is it?" Bill questioned sarcastically making a joke.

"It is Bill. You jinxing it doesn't help," she told him.

"I guess that's fine," He told her. She sent a death glare thinking he didn't want a boy.

"I'm kidding. I'm happy Lyra don't worry. Wouldn't mind having another girl like you but still. So cute."

"Good," she huffed. "He is so cute."

"He looks a lot like you. You sure he's my baby?" Bill chuckled out knowing this was his. The baby had a mark similar to Bill on his forehead. She punched his arm.

"I'm kidding. It's nice."

"You're right. I never seen eye's like his. Blue mixed with yellow on the bottom. It fits him."

"They look so adorable." The baby laughs cutely, making spit come out. Bill smiled big as he wipes it.

"And his hair. Your hair with part black mixed with. He can sure get cuter. To bad it isn't blue and black like yours. Still cute with a piece of his hair black. What should we name him?

"I want to name him something good. He's going to be strong, compassionate, brave, and smart just like you Lyra."

"And you Silly. How about..." Lyra takes a moment to think. "(Y/n). (Y/n) Cipher."

"Good name." Lyra hands over the baby to Bill for him to hold him. "Hey there little guy. I'm your papa." Dipper looks at you. Tears were forming your face but you were smiling. Not caring.

"Bill you're going to embarrass him," she chuckled. Bill placed a thumb on the mark on the babies forehead.

"It's strange though. He has a mark already. I thought you guys don't get it till you're older. I know I don't, and I thought there was a chance for the baby not to get the mark because he's mine as well.

"It's a birthmark Bill. But that's rare especially for him. He must be powerful then. Instead it being a constellation like mine it's like your eye mark symbol."

"I was born as a triangle floating thing Lyra so I always had one eye, but I didn't think it would be a mark. Also.... Doesn't that mean the one he will fall in love will be in the future."

"Man, to many dangerous paths are coming our way Bill." A mark on a baby born is dangerious which is why kids are raised near people who can protect from the unknown. People can kidnap them and turn them evil. Its very rare with a baby born with it and even it does happen. They keep it secret for their protection.

"And will be ready for them." Bill looked at the baby smiling. "Right (Y/n)?" The baby yawns at his response. The doctor walks in.

"Okay we need to check you up." Bill hisses at him from taking to take the baby you.

"Bill he knows what he's doing. We are at the constellations," Lyra told him. Bill huffs, "Fine," giving the doctor the baby* The Doctor nods as he walks out. Bill goes and places a kiss on Lyra's forehead.

"I love you so much." Lyra pulled his shirt down to kiss him passionately.

"I know Silly Billy."

"So he has both our powers. Maybe you have some of mine."

"Maybe I do *smiles* I am yours."

"And I'm yours."

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