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You waved at the brunette shyly. "H-Hi I'm (Y/n)." Mabel put an arm around your shoulder as her other hand gestured toward the boy that entered. "(Y/n), this is my twin Dipper." You blinked your eyes. Of course. NO wonder they looked similar. Dipper did a small waved as a blush crept up his face. He didn't know why but he did. Mabel giggles seeing her brother's reaction. She's glad she waited. Wendy saw as well but she realized it was getting dark out.

"Okay (Y/n). We should be heading home, it's getting dark. You know how dad is." You nod agreeing walking to your sister. You turn waving to the group/

"Bye everyone, it was nice meeting you Mabel and Dipper."

"(Y/n), you start at the same time as Wendy tomorrow," Soos said waving you two goodbyes. You nodded and smiled. You left with Wendy back home.

"(Y/n) is nice and shy. He's pretty cute to," Mabel said still waving goodbye even if you and Wendy left a minute ago.

"Yea he is," Dipper said agreeing with his twin. This made Mabel grin, having a hand over her ear

"Wait a minute... Do I hear a lover?" Mabel saying smiling. Dipper blinked in realization blushing more.

"What? Who?" Dipper asked confused but Soos butted in saying his goodbyes. The twins and Stan said their goodbyes to him as he left.

"Okay y'all go upstairs' and stay, I'm busy," Stan said shushing them toward the stairs. The twins chuckled as they walked up the stairs. They got into their own beds doing what they love. Mabel scrapbooking while Dipper was reading the journal. Mabel realized something which caused her take paper out and started to write which confused the other twin seeing his sister writing and not cutting pictures.

"Mabel what are you doing?" Dipped asked her. "Writing she responded." Dipper rolled his eyes knowing full well she was writing. He asked again, "Writing what?" She didn't respond, instead, she went to her twin and took his journal form his hands. "Hey!" Mabel giggled as she jumped back on her bed.

"Sorry Dipper, but I want to see if there's is anything we can use for next week." Dipper sighed knowing he won't get the journal back till later. "Fine. I'm going to sleep," he told her as he pulled the cover over him. Mabel giggled knowing she took the thing her brother wanted to read.

"Okay now for the list. Maybe I can put sticky notes of papers in the journal to tell me what to get in the woods," she told herself as she pulled out her sticky notes from her backpack and started working.


Dipper woke up feeling refresh. He noticed the sun shining through the window. He sat up stretching his arms feeling his bone pop in satisfactory. He looked over at his sister seeing her laid down with drool coming out. He saw paper and sticky notes scattered around her bed. She must have fallen asleep doing it. Typical Mabel always trying to do her best. Dipper smiled at the thought. That was something he admired for. He slowly got up and went to her bed. He slowly pulled the journal away from her hand. He noticed sticky notes and paper sticking out the journal. He opened it examining what she noted from the pages. She made a list for next week. I can get these for her. So, she won't worry about it. Looks like she wants to impress him. Typical Mabel. Dipper frowned at the thought though. He shook it off as he walked back to his bed to pack. He needed to be sure he also has room for the stuff as well. He folded a couple bags and put it inside his backpack. He grabbed his cap and headed off downstairs. He saw his grunkle stan eating breakfast. He passed by grabbing a toast of bread.

"You better be back in time," Stan warned him. He gave a thumbs up before running off into the worlds. He opened the journal to see his first destination. He would love to visit his favorite spot, but he could visit after. First stop was Height Altering. He started to run to his destination.

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