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"Men I wonder how this turns out," Dipper said.

"Bill Cipher will be executed!" You both turn yelling, "WHAT!?" You realize your in a courtroom.

"But I am telling the truth! Bill tried to protect me from Zack. He possesses the gem of evil element to fight him just to get me, but I refused his love!" Lyra yelled in defense.

"You see my lords! Bill used his magic to confuse my love!" Zack countered.

"That is not true!" Lyra yelled.

"I would expect. A princess like you can be fooled," the first Lord said.

"I am not tricked my Lords!" Lyra yelled again.

"Princess Lyra! Do you expect to believe that you are not tricked?! You are with the prince of a demon that caused many harms to humans!

"WHAT!? Bill is a demon prince! And Lyra is a Princess!.. Wait princess of what?" Dipper asked you.

"Be quiet Dipper and listen," you told him

"But I wasn't!"

"It's okay Lyra. Will help you remember," Zack said trying to reach her but she smacks his hand away.

"Don't touch me you killer! I love Bill! Not you!"

"See! We have proof! We love each other! No magic is in it. Please!" Bill pleaded. He was someone that never showed weakness. Showed his best side. These people should know this. He's vulnerable. All he wants was Lyra in his arms.

"That is it! Bill will be executed by tomorrow morning! Take him away guards!" The third Lord yelled hearing enough. The guards pull him away with the chains that held Bill.

"BILL!" Lyra ran to him but Zack stopped her. "BILL!" She yelled trying to reach him.

"Lyra!" The doors closed. Bill was gone. Lyra knows she couldn't pass through those doors unless she had the key. Even if she tried her magic is would still be no use. Zack let her go knowing she can't do anything. She fell to the ground crying her heart out. "Bill......." she whispered knowing her love was gone. After all what happened. After so much they went through. She lost his grasp.

"It's okay love." Zack placed a hand on her shoulder, but she didn't want it. She turned her heard to him serious and said, "I am not your love. I'm Bill's. I will never be yours." She slowly got up and walked out the court. The memory goes blank.

"I bet Bill got reborn or something. But that won't make sense."

"Maybe. But I still don't see how she was still alive. She was killed then now alive. That doesn't make sense I'm glad she is but...." You told Dipper.

"(Y/n) remember. Nothings impossible." You nodded as the next memory formed. You could tell it was morning. Maybe it was the next day.

"Wait are you serious my lords?" They were in the courtroom again.

"We are," the first Lord spoke as Bill entered the courtroom.

"Lyra..." Bill said smiling. Lyra runs to him as he opens his arms for her to jump into. She hugs him tight letting the tears fall. He hugs her tight as well whispering, "Yea, I know..."

"Zack will be healing the process of the gem and the gem will be forgotten. But I still say Lyra are you really in love with this idiotic dream demon prince?" The first Lord asked.

"HEY!" Lyra placed a hand on his chest.

"Yes, I do."

"In that case. If Bill does any dangerous harm to the people, it will be in your case. You will be in danger of your life. Princess of the stars, do you want to risk being with him?" the second Lord asked.

"Yes. I will still be guardian of the people. I know Bill has done wrong. We will take any consequence you have together." She smiled at Bill. He responded the same.

"Very well. You will not be able to come here again. You will stay down where you will live and forget this temple. You may go home and get your things, but you will stay down were you will stay with Bill and monitor him since he is in discipline of the damage he has done. You may go to your home but never this temple as your job is to stay with him and watch him.

"YES! O I mean. Continue...." Bill said keeping his cool.

"Thank you, my lords. I will not come back unless I am needed. I will tell my mother and father as well as I am married and have my coronation to become queen.

"You will come back as once when your break is over. Continue this mission for so forth. Now goodbye, Lyra Cipher." Lyra bowed her head and left the court with Bill by her side.

"Well Ms. Cipher shall we get your things," Bill said smiling at her.

"Yes Mr. Cipher," Lyra responded. Instead of flying there they decided to walk to enjoy the peace they needed for a long time.

"I guess it turned out good. I guess Bill did find true love," Dipper said as the memory turn blank.

"I guess unlike me," you said covering your mouth as soon you said the last part.

"Lee....... But where does-" Dipper was cut off when the memory showed Bill up walking out the cave stretching.

"Another good morning. Nothing to fight back." Lyra joined him.

"You said it. "

"First a party killer tried to get you, that boy Zack, the lords trying to kill me," Bill said.

"I said sorry Bill. I didn't know he was going to come and attack you. I thought he understood. I didn't think he'll use the gem of evil and attack you. But I'm glad you're alive. I don't know what would happen if I lost you."

"Same here. It's been 2 weeks since that happened and there's something, I needed to ask you for a while."

"Well I know it's not hand in marriage because their already married." You shushed Dipper so you could hear.

"How are you alive? I mean I'm glad you are, but I thought you were dead. You were cold when I touched you. I left to kill him because he killed you. How are you?"

"Okay Bill let me be honest. Before we left the temple. Remember I said you go ahead, and I'll catch up because I need to see someone.

"Yea. I didn't want to leave you alone, but you kept pushing me out."

"I went to my real home above with the stars. The castle since I live near where I worked because I wanted something more than being a princess. I asked for a doctor to see what was wrong with me and how was it possible for me to be alive. After I explained the whole situation, he grabbed an old book. He showed it to me and told be something unbelievable.

"Please tell me you're not going to die on me now or again."

"No, at the end I was so shocked but happy at the same time, but I had thoughts you might not want me if I told you." She started blushing. "He said the reason I am alive is because of it. It used a regeneration thing I don't how to say. It used a shield on me to make sure I was safe."

"So, what is it? What saved you? A gem? A new ability?" She grabbed Bill's hand and said, "I'm pregnant......"

"What?...... With who's?" Lyra smacked his forehead.

"Yours you idiot. I love you. Why would I have someone else's baby your th-" Bill kissed her and held her tight yelling, "I'm going to be a father!" She chuckled at his actions. Bill started to jump around happy.

"Bill is having a child....." Dipper whispered.

"How can this get any better! Your finally Queen of the stars, I'm King of that now and also Demon Dream King with you are my Queen." Bill bend down to Lyra's belly. "And this little guy is our little Star Dream Demon Prince or Princess."

"I guess so Bill." Bill hugs her.

"I love you."

"I know Silly."

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