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Morning came again and Dipper never left your side. Mabel accompied her twin. She decided to pass time making a little sweater. Soos noticed and asked, "Dude is that for Waddles?"

"Nope," she responded. She finally finished displaying it. "Perfect."

"It's so cute Mabel. I like the symbol you put in the middle." Dipper turned seeing the little sweater Mabel has made.

"Is that for a baby or what?" Mabel looked away.


"Dude don't worry about it," Wendy ushered.

"Or maybe we should," Ford said.

"This girl is strong and confident. If something was wrong, she would tell us right Mabel," Stan asked her.

"Yep!" Mabel yelled confident. You started to blink your eyes from the brightness. Dipper looked at his twin worried saying, "But what if there is something wrong with Mabel and we don't know." Everyone notice you woke up when you kept blinking your eyes.

"Dipper," Mabel tried to get her twins attention.

"Come on Mabel you know your my twin and I get worried," Dipper told her. Wendy decided to try.

"Dipper." You slowly sat up aching.

"I mean I know I'm the opposite, but you can at least-" Everyone had enough and yelled, "DIPPER!"

"What?" Everyone pointed at you. Dipper turned and felt his heart burst.

"(Y-Y/n)!" He hugs you tight. "I'm so glad your awake!" You felt uneasy.

"O okay. Who are you?" You asked shaking a bit. Everyone looks at you shock. Everyone was sure you would get your memories but that didn't happen. Wendy took a stand now and kept her distance since you looked like a lost puppy. She didn't want you to feel uneasy.

"Do you know anyone here?" You looked around of the people not knowing who they are.

"ummm.... No," you told the red head.

"Mabel you have powers. See if you can heal her," Stan told her.

"I'll try." She puts her hands on your head hoping it works as well. "I can't. there's nothing in his head to heal. I'm sorry Dipper."

"I figured," Ford said.

"Wait!" Mabel went down to look through her backpack. Sure everyone thought you would get your memories back but Mabel brough the scrap book you and Dipper made with the adventures you had. It was way before and you thought it was cute and asked Dipper long ago that you two should start it to. "Here Dipper." Dipper held the book.

"It's mine and Lee's Scrapbook. Mabel you're a genius! Look Lee do you remember this?" He handed you the scrap book. You open it seeing the pages. It seemed you did know these people but nothing rang a bell.

"I' sorry I don't remember this. I don't know y'all. I'm sorry," tears started building up and you don't know why. Dipper frowned as well. He started to tear up as well. He got up and slowly stepped back to take a breath. Mabel knew her twin needed time so she took over.

"I'm Mabel. I'm you friend also Wendy and Soos. That's our great uncles, my fiancé. We actually all your friends. And Dipper is-" Dipper placed a hand on his twin to cut her off. He remembered what you said before.

"I'm Dipper. I'm your friend to," Dipper said smiling at you. For some reason you felt calm.

"Who am I?" you asked.

"You're (Y/n) Cipher. The daughter of Lyra and Bill Cipher. Your parents. Their busy right now but you'll see them soon." You waved.


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