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The group was able to get inside the Star castle without being detected. They split into their groups into the castle different ways. Bill and Dipper made it in. As they reached the hall Bill notice the people or things.

"It's the Hex Maniacs coming," Bill whispered. Unfortunately, one heard and notice the two. Dipper reacted fast enchanting a spell and sent a blast which cause more attention. The battle started. As Bill fought, he went up against one he knew well.

"O Bill why don't you join us? You were one of us. This time Telepatha might be able to succeed with that boy," Pyronica said. This mad Bill mad. Sure he used people before but this was different. It was his son. Bill made his hand big and punched her hard which made her fly to the pile of things that was already made. Bill floated them to the side were the pile won't be seen. After the clean up, they continued the path until they made it to the center. There they face Telepatha. Telepatha notices them. The rest of the group shows up around to surround her.

"Never send maniacs to do a women's job," she said pissed.

"It's over Telepatha!" Dipper yelled.

"Give us (Y/n) back!" Mabel yelled. Telepatha grins and says, "Gladly." She snaps her fingers making you appear, and you start attacking. Your first target was Wendy. She dodges your attckes but that was the bait. Telepatha used that to make Wendy a statue. She grins as she moves Wendy with other statue people.

"Wendy! Alright you freak you asked for it." Stan yelled sending a blast from the gun. Telepatha dodged it and became pissed.

"Enough!" She yelled sending and energy wave. "This is between me and Bill." She pulled Bill in and started to create a bubble around her, Bill and you. Before the bubble fully got them, Dipper ran and rolled into the bubble.

"Dipper!" Bill looked at the Rainbow-colored Star.

"Alright you got me! Now let (Y/n) go!" Bill yelled.

"Not until I have your power back to," she said then felt a new energy source. "Wait I sense more power.... In those twins too." She looked at Dipper and Mabel. Dipper was confused but Bill knew it was true but didn't want make matters worse.

"Fine just let him go. But if you want it your gonna have to get it," Bill said getting into a fighting stance. Telepatha smacked her lips as she released you making you fall to the ground, but Dipper dove for you to catch you. Dipper looked you over seeing if you were alright. What was worse was that she only let you 'go.' Mabel tried breaking the bubble to get to you and her twin, but it was no use. Telepatha sent a blast to Bill and he sent a blast as well to counter.

"Okay Pine tree you better heal her. It's either you or Shooting Star that can Heal."

"What are you talking about?!" Dipper yelled confused. Telepatha grinned as she teleported next to him and blasted at him after saying, "Got you." Bill was sent flying to the bubbled making him knock out from the big blast Telepatha created. Telepatha grinned as she teleported to him. "Now to your memory's Bill, might as well do the same to (Y/n). You will all die in your mind giving me your power," she said going into Bill's mind. This made the bubbled go down. Mabel ran to her twin going to her knee's.

"Dipper are you ok?!"

"Yea. Wait, no! Telepatha is going to kill (Y/n) and Bill in the mind I have to save him!" Dipper yelled panicking.

"O yea, you can magically go to someone's mind," Stan said.

"Stanley you're a genius!" Ford yelled.

"Why thank you. Wait why?"

"Dipper do what we did before. Go to Bill's mind like we did to Stan!" Mabel yelled.

"When was that?!" Stan yelled.

"Good idea Mabel. But we don't have candles."

"But we got fire," Stan said.

"Ok I will go in and-"

"Heck no, I am going alone. I caused this mess and I'm going to fix it," Dipper cut in.

"And Me to."

"No Mabel. I have to go alone. I caused this. I need to fix it. But I promise to come back with (Y/n) and maybe leave Bill," Dipper whispered the last part, but his twin perfectly heard and yelled, "DIPPER!"

"Fine, him to." The group gathered the things and created the circle. Dipper got into the circle enchanting the words as the fire is lit then becoming blue. A portal form above him

"Good luck Kid," Stan told him.

"I'm not the weak Dipper like I was in the past."

"Maybe a little." Dipper chuckles a little.

"Good Luck," she told her twin. After seconds everything goes blank for Dipper. He opens them seeing he was on the ground.

Where am I? Huh? I'm in the mind. Dipper started to walk around trying to see any clue where anyone was.

Bill's mind is sure different from Grunkle stans and Great uncle Fords.

As Dipper was thinking, he didn't notice the edge which caused him to fall.

"AAHHH!!" He closes his eyes getting ready for the impact, but it never came. When he opened them, he was in the air. He forgot he was in the mind so he can fly. He made it to the ground and when he did, everything went blank. He notices a figure up ahead. He get's closer seeing who it was. He smiled as he started to run to you and notice you were looking at something. As he got closer, he was watching what you were watching.

"It feels good destroying things!" Bill yelled turning things into creatures. Bill gaped shock. It's Bill! Why is he destroying things?! I thought he was on our side. Dipper thought. "I should control these people. I made enough deals with them. Bill was ready to approach one to control until someone had a whip and pulled Bill's hand back.

"I won't let you." Bill groaned in annoyance. He turned around with a sarcastic face saying, "O look another guardian~"

"Well this Guardian is a star," she told him. Bill looked at her and she did look quite different. Bright blue hair and blue eyes and her dress matched the color. He grinned as he said, "Shouldn't be surprised. They can send the more they want but none of you will stop me."

"Let's see about that umm... well they never told me your name. They just said find a stupid yellow triangle thing partying and messing with people's dreams," she said which ticked Bill.

"Well," he transformed to a human to look at her closely and continued, "I'm the guy your looking for miss. Names Bill Cipher now excuse me," he snapped his fingers which created a triangle cage around her. "I have people to control and you just failed you mission just like every other person did," Bill said as he started to float away. They always sent one after another and they all failed so he woudn't be surprised that this one failed as well. She was pissed but she turned it to a grin. She was different. Most would have been stuck in the weird powerful cage she was in but not her. She blinked her eyes which caused her to teleport in front of Bill saying, "It's rude to leave people without saying goodbye, plus I never introduced myself and I'm different from the others." She sent a blast at Bill to make Bill fall back. "And I'm going to protect these people from you," she said serious. Bill chuckled as he said, "I'll like to see you try Star."

"My Name Is Lyra not Star.

"Same difference 'Lyra' take that!" he yells as he sent a blast. She easily dodged and sent a blast at him. Bill got hit and was pissed he got hit so easily.

"You're such a Party Pooper," he said annoyed.

"And you're an idiot," she commented.

"Next I'm going to throw a big party where your gone."

"I'll like to see you try Cipher," she said giggling knowing she won't let him. He disappeared. Lyra smiled and looked down at the people below her Luckily, she was able to bring Bill to the forest or it would have been bad.

"I will protect them no matter what. I will watch over." Lyra transformed into a deer and went into the forest continuing her mission t protect Gravity Falls. 

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