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"(Y/n)! I hope your happy Dipper. You hurt the person you love the most. Even what you said hurts you to as much as him," Mabel yelled running after you. Dipper took a breath feeling what took control go away. He let his anger get the best to him.

"She's right when I said that it hurt me," he told himself. "I can't live without (Y/n). I'm in love with him. Why did I say that? That wasn't me saying it. I have to make this right before it's too late." Dipper after his twin and the love of his life.


You fell on your knees crying your heart out. You pounded the groud from anger and broken. You looked at the ground. "I should have known. A guy like me would never find true love." Tears fell from your face to the ground. You hear the swish sound of someone popping up. You see two legs in your view. You look up seeing her.

"Are you okay?" Telelpatha asks you. You looked back down. She gets on one knee and placed a finger under your chin to look at her. "I told you (Y/n). As soon he finds out, he will leave you." You get up and look away.

"You were right. I give up," You said bringing your hands to your face. Telepatha gestures a hand to you. "I can help. Let me take the pain away. "Your mind wasn't straight because if it wasn't the emotions running around your head, you would have never shaken your hand with Telepatha to make the deal. "Give me your power," Telepatha said grinning.

"AAHHHHH!!!" You yelled in pain. Mabel ran in seeing you yelling in pain.

"HEY! Leave him alone!" Telepatha smiles as she looks at the intruder. Now fire." You brought your hand up.

"No (Y/n) don't!" You fire at her. Dipper comes and pushes his twin out the way. He looks at her.

"Mabel what happened?!" He yelled.

"She's controlling (Y/n)! Look at his eye's!" Dipper looks at you and see's your eye's flashing red.

"(Y/n)...." Dipper said feeling the guilt.

"Now kill them! And we will take over this world to weirdest!" Telepatha yelled happy.

"That's what Bill tried to do but we stopped him!" Dipper yelled. You raised your hand to aim at the twins. Dipper covered Mabel as you sent the blast. But the blast never hit them. When Dipper opened his eyes, he sees the yellow triangle.

"BILL?!" Mabel yelled shock.

"Hiya doing Shooting Star and Pine Tree." Telepatha was mad.

"No! Kill them!" Telepatha yells at you. You shoot your magic at them, but Bill used his to make him and the twins disappear. It made Telepatha think you killed them since there was smoke where Bill and the twins were.

"Well I guess you're more powerful than I thought. Now to show who's boss. Make the portal. You raised your hands in the sky to make the dimension just like Bill did before. I don't know what Bill did to do this, but I got his son to do the work for me! As Telelpatha felt his plan coming closer. The group needed a plan. For that, they needed answers.

"Why did you save us?!" Dipper at the dream demon.

"O shut it Pine Tree. I just got hypnotized for last 5 to 15 years and just got out. My head is spinning still," Bill told him floating to the ground to rest.

"What do you mean?" Mabel asked the demon.

"Telepatha controlled my mind at my weakest point. Luckily, I made sure (Y/n) was safe. I did gain some control when I saw him again when he was 10. He looks just like his mother. And then Telepatha became stronger and gained control over me again. But my sanity and passion to keep (Y/n) safe was their so even when I was controlled. I could never hurt him no matter how much Telepatha had control over me. She can trick me to do many things just never hurting my son.

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