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The morning of tomorrow came

Lyra wakes up feeling sluggish and in a pain a bit. "Huh?" She sits up looking around confused. "Where am I? In a cave?" She hears a voice outside the cave. She uses the wall as support as she slowly walks out the cave to see Bill. Singing... Bill was singing a thousand years. This was the first time she saw Bill not terrorizing people. She slowly walks over to him. She see's that his eye's were closed so she she quietly sits down listening to him sing. Bill felt free singing. It was something he kept to himself and he would do it secretly. But he was confused with his emotions and was ready to go wild but singing calms him. As Bill was coming to a close on his song, he slowly opened his eyes then see's Lyra looking at him that causes him to blush. He yells, "W-What are you doing here?!"

"Say's the one who was singing," she says grinning. Bill blushes redder.

"Forget it. You never heard that now since your better, you can go now." He gets up. She stands up as well.

"I'm guessing you're the one who patched me up. I wouldn't say you did a good job."

"What do you expect, Star?" Bill said flicking her forehead.

"I guess for a stupid party triangle guy, I wouldn't expect that. But while I was knocked out. I'm not sure but it's something about that I think made me feel warm and safe, when I felt something." Bill immediately blushed.

"Umm well it was nothing."

"You have a good voice," Lyra told him.

"Not as good as yours," Bill said without thinking.

"What do you mean?" Bill blushed realizing his mistake.

"I mean umm nothing just go."

Alright. Well since were both bruised up from battle yesterday. How about you attack people tomorrow when we both have strength's alright?" Lyra said giggling. Bill looks away. She was acting too cute for him.

"Fine! Alright! Just go!" Lyra transform to a deer and runs into the forest below. Bill see's the sun setting. He bit his lip trying to stay but the curiosity got to him. He transforms to his triangle shape and teleports where she would be. Of course, you used yours to teleport near him since you had the same power sense as him. You watch as your father watching her sing Skyscraper. 

Bill transform human again leaning on the tree, being hypnotize by her voice but then notice she stopped. Confused took a peak and saw she was gone from the hill. "Hey Ciphar." Bill jumps up and falls in his butt. Lyra giggles as she jumps off the tree.

"OW! Why you did that for Star?!"

"Just to see what you meant by saying, 'Not like mines'." She quoted as she helps him up. "Now I see. Plus I like your voice to. Everyone is different like the stars Bill. No one's perfect."

"How?! When you are!" Bill yelled.


"I mean ummm..." Bill was blushing red. Dipper started laughing.

"Man this is priceless! The first time I see Bill Blush!"

"Stop it Dipper! That's mean! This is Bill's memories!" You yelled feeling the tears fall.

"I'm sorry (Y/n). I didn't mean to make you cry."

"No it' not that Dip."

"Bill what do you mean?"

"It's nothing forget it." Bill started walking away.

"Man Bill can be stupid."

"Like you?" You asked him.

"Very funny." You shrug knowing there were times he could be stupid.

"Bill Wait!"

"O now your calling me by my first name. O just great."

"Why are you so mad now?!" She yelled following him.

"I'm not! Now leave me alone. I'm going home. I'm going to mess with the people tomorrow so bye." Bill was speed walking now. She became pissed and snapped her fingers to teleport in front of Bill. Bill looked down with tears forming.

"Bill why are you crying?"

"It's nothing Lyra just leave me." He wanted to get away. The dream demon never felt like this and he couldn't focus enough to teleport away.

"Now you said my name.... Something is definitely wrong. Bill....."

"I SAID IT WAS NOTHING! You wouldn't care anyway. It's not important," Bill said going around her, but she grabbed his arm.

"If it's you Bill everything is important Bill."

"Huh? You kidding right? This is trick, payback, right? After everything I done?" Lyra tugs his sleeve making him wait. She walks in front of him and touches his cheek to make him look at her. 

"Baby, when they look up at the sky. We'll be shootin' stars just passin' by. You'll be comin' home with me tonight. We'll be burnin' up like neon lights." Lyra wiped a tear that fell from Bill's cheek. Bill felt his inside burn but not in a dangerious way. "Be still, my heart 'cause it's freakin' out, it's freakin' out, right now. Shining like stars 'cause we're beautiful, we're beautiful, right now," she sang as she looked at the sky. Bill smiled as he felt the rush come to him.

"You're all I see in all these places. You're all I see in all these faces. So, let's pretend we're running out of time, of time." Bill brings a hand over her that is on his face. "Baby, when they look up at the sky. We'll be shootin' stars just passin' by. You'll be comin' home with me tonight. And we'll be burnin' up like neon lights." Lyra smiles then sang along with him.

"Baby, when they look up at the sky. We'll be shootin' stars just passin' by. You'll be comin' home with me tonight. And we'll be burnin' up like neon lights. Neon lights. Neon lights. Neon lights. Like neon lights, oh. Like neon lights, oh." Bill grabbed her hand as he started walking back but to a place that had a lake with grassy area around it. "Be still, my heart 'cause it's freakin' out, it's freakin' out, right now. Shining like stars 'cause we're beautiful, we're beautiful, right now." He turned to her smiling big. She continued.

"You're all I see in all these places. You're all I see in all these faces. So let's pretend we're running out of time, of time." He pulled her to him chest to chest looking up as he sang, "Baby, when they look up at the sky. We'll be shootin' stars just passin' by. You'll be comin' home with me tonight. And we'll be burnin' up like neon lights." Lyra looked up as well seeing the kind of dark sky.

"Baby, when they look up at the sky. We'll be shootin' stars just passin' by. You'll be comin' home with me tonight. And we'll be burnin' up like neon lights," she sang. Lyra pulled them to the water running around singing outload, "Shining like stars 'cause we're beautiful, beautiful." Lyra slowed down and turned to him. "You're all I see in all these places." Bill smiled singing the same thing.

"You're all I see in all these faces." Bill looked at her glowing. The sun was setting where it showed all her features he adored.

"So let's pretend we're running out of time, of time. Like neon lights, oh Like neon lights, oh. Be still, my heart 'cause it's freakin' out." They leaned in and kiss.

"THEY KISS!?" Dipper yelled shock. You smiled.

"They did...." Lyra leans back realizing what she did.

"O no. no,no,no. I'm sorry Bill I-I have to go!" She transforms to a deer and runs in the woods.

"LYRA WAIT! Men what did I just do." Bill brings his finger tips to his lip. "I can't believe I did that..... God......I'm in love with my enemy." Bill turns and punches a tree which destroys it.

"Why....." Bill transform to his triangle self and flied home.

"So I get this. He fell in love with an enemy," Dipper said turning to you.

"Yep." The memory goes blank.

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