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Dipper slowly peeked his eyes open. He heard his sister's voice then heard yours. He smiled as he sat up seeing you two on her bed talking. He noticed you in your PJ's. "Hmm I guess he's cute," you said responding to the question Mabel asked you.

"But vampires are cutteeeee. How can you not like them?!" You shrug your shoulders.

"Hi." You and Mabel turn seeing Dipper sitting up. You smiled at him then got off the bed and walked to him.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good. How long have I been out?" He asked you.

"3 years. I have kids and (y/n) has a kid," Mabel responded. You knew what she was doing.

"What?! No! It has to be a nightmare!" Dipper yelled panicking. Mabel and you started to burst out laughing.

"Why are you guys laughing?" Dipper looked you two confused. You placed a hand on his shoulder.

"She was just joking around Dipper. The kid's part is true though."

"WHAT?!?!?!" Dipper started to turn pale.

"Alright I think that's enough Mabel." You can hear the giggles coming from the brunette girl. "Dipper you slept all day yesterday. So, to answer your question. You slept a day. Guess the cut made you exhausted. I asked to spend the night to watch over you." Dipper nodded. Dipper noticed some covers on the floor with the journal opened. You looked at what he was looking. You walked over to pick up the book and walk back to him.

"Sorry. I read the book. I couldn't sleep much, and Mabel said I could read your journal if it helps me sleep. I hope you don't mind," You said giving him his journal back. Dipper smiled giving you the okay. "Alright imma get change and stop by home first. Need to check the family before I start working. Also, you mister, stay in bed." You pick up your backpack and head out the room to the restroom. Dipper was ready to get out the bed until.

"You heard (Y/n), you have to stay in bed." Dipper rolled his eyes. "Now stay. I'm going to help (Y/n)," Mabel says walking out the room. I can't believe he read it. Now he's going to think I'm crazy to, Dipper thought. He looks out the window seeing it was beautiful day. He sighed knowing Mabel will kill him. He opened his bag and pulled out clothes to wear. He slowly walked out the room to the front door. He was so close to victory till.

"Where are you going Dipper?"

"Umm.... outside?" He responded to his sister.

"(Y/n) said you have to stay in bed," Mabel huffed.

"It's just for a little bit."


"O come on Mabel," Dipper begged.

"O sureeee, let my brother go outside while he's hurt, even if he's off but should be resting."

"Thanks Mabel! Bye!" Dipper yelled running out the Shack. Mabel smacked her forehead. "I should work on that," she told herself before walking back to where she was. Dipper smiled as he walked through the forest. All he wanted to do was visit his favorite place. He couldn't yesterday because he didn't realize getting all those supplies would take long. He walks along the path he made, but when he gets there. He hears a noise. He hides behind a tree and peeks over to see you.

"It looks good now. Let's see if you can walk again." You watch as the baby deer slowly go up with your help. The baby deer jumps around happy which makes you smile. "There you go. Now hurry to your family." You watch the deer run away. It makes you smile more, then the surge comes again. You start to breath hard leaning onto the tree you were next to. It's getting stronger. I have to control it, you thought, trying to calm yourself. You hear a noise behind you. You turn to see Dipper kneeling down to you.

"D-Dipper what a-are you doing here?!" You yelled shock and panicking. The surge was hurting your head and tears did form. Dipper just brought you close bringing you to your chest. You tried to fight against it, scared you would hurt him but that didn't happen. You heard his heartbeat and tried to focus on that. He rubbed circles around your back, and it made you stop shaking violently. You calmed down and hummed in satisfaction. You started to feel sleepy in all honestly. "You okay now?" You nodded a bit. You stay right there on Dipper for a while until you knew you had to move. He slowly started to get up from him. He looked at you concerned, and it warmed your heart.

"You sure you okay? We stay like this a little longer if you want," he said bringing his thumb under your eye to wipe away the tears that came earlier. You shook your head no and smiled.

"I'm fine Dipper. Thank you. Anyway. What are you doing here?"

"I always come here. This is my favorite spot in gravity falls. I come here every day in summer break. Why are you here?"

"I do to. It's really pretty here with the trees and pond." Dipper nods agreeing. You look at each other for a good while till you cough. Really to stop that.

"I got to go bye. Wendy left before I did, and I was heading back to the Shack. She's gonna kill me."

"Don't worry. Mabel's going to kill me to." That made you hit realization.

"You're supposed to be in bed jerk!" You yelled at him. He rubs the back of his head. "How can I? It's a nice day outside. Had to at least visit my spot since I didn't go yesterday." You sighed but let it slide. You both walked back in silence, but it was a good silence. You were comfortable. "Sorry you had to find me at your favorite place," You told Dipper.

"It's ok. It was worth it," he told you.

"Worth what?" You asked curious.

"O nothinggg." That mad you think but didn't push it. "How did you find the place?"

"It's a long story. I guess you could say I was just connected to it in some way." He nodded. The curiosity hit you. "Hey Dipper, I was wondering. How did you get your name? Like how your parents thought of it?" Dipper looked at you then looked forward.

"To be honest. It's actually my nickname. It's not my real name but the nickname is something I'm called often because." He steps in front of you and picks his front hair up to let you see the birthmark on his forehead.

"Wow..." He covers his mark back up with his hair. "That's so cool. The big dipper. It's unique. Why do you cover tr?

"People use to bully me and make fun of me because my mark because of it."

"O. Then there stupid. They must have been jealous. I would if I didn't have a mark that represents me. Plus, I think you look better like that. That shows the real you Dipper." He smiled at you. "At least you have a cool one. All I have is a weird one and makes people not like you as much." He looked at you confused. You shut your mouth closed.

"You have a birthmark to?" You sighed.

"Yea. But (Y/n) is my actual name."

"Could I see?" You started to sweat. Maybe it wouldn't hurt. You nod. "It's on my forehead to. I don't think I can move my hands to show it. You can if you want." Dipper looked at you confused but did so. He brought his hands to your forehead. He pushed your hair back to show your mark. The curve line with three lines connected to it. Mostly looks like an eye lash. Dipper placed a thumb over it.

"Looks like a mark someone drew on you." You started to chuckle feeling weight lifted off your shoulders. "Jerk. Come on. Mabel and Wendy are going to kill us for sure if we don't head back no." He nods and you both walk back smiling. Both of you were happy till two very angry looking girls were looking at you. Something both of you didn't expect from the redette. You were much very doomed. Good thing you weren't the only one.

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