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"Let's go see Lyra. The memory can be the same even if Bill isn't there, but it would still count right?" You nodded. You snapped your fingers to teleport you and Dipper to Lyra. You see her sitting at the edge of the clouds.

"Well hey their short cake." Lyra turned to see her dear friend.

"Hey Derrick. Haven't seen you for a while." Derrick is Lyra's best friend. They went to the academy for being protectors together. She sees Darrick as a brother, and they are close.

"Same for you. So, what's new?" He knew something was up. He watched as she brought her knees to her chest.

"You're the only one I can tell everything."

"Looks like this sounds serious. What happened?" He nudged her side. She sighed.

"I'm getting married to someone I don't love."

"Why are you getting married then?

"Because. It's the only way to stay away someone I truly love. He told me he loved me, but I can't tell him the same thing. He has magic and goes to my dreams and I let him. I don't know. He's different. He's always their when I need him. We fight but were like friends when he comes to my dreams."

"Does he now?" He asked her.

"No. I know it's him, but he doesn't know I know it's him." She sighed making this complicated.

"Figured. You sure love keeping secrets to yourself." He knows Lyra is selfless and he thinks what she's doing is stupid. But she doesn't want to go against the law of guardians.

"I'm in love with him. But I can't because." She quivered shaking. He had enough.

"What do you mean you can't? Of course, you can." He been knowing. After all the talking they did and the hang outs with her complaining about his insanity. He knew for so long but Lyra is so blind when it comes to feelings sometimes.

"Why do you say that?"

"Lyra I know you. I know enough that you don't love Zack. You're going to make a mistake to fall for someone you can't. Your mind say's to marry someone you don't love just to get over someone you do, but your heart says different."

"I guess your right about that." He got up.

"I should be going. I have to find a suit for your wedding tomorrow."

"O yea."

"Just think about it. Do you love Zack or Bill okay?" Derrick started to walk away.

"Okay. Wait how'd did you know it was him?!" She looked at him shock.

"Known you 1,194 years. I think I know you enough to see you like him. Plus, most of the time I wake you up to fight Bill, you say his name in your sleep.

"Never come near me when I sleep again."

"Okay. But just think about. Go with someone you don't love and live your life having a future you don't want or go with the one you love even if you risk your life doing something no one will ever do. Just saying."

"Okay. Take care of your girlfriend Tara."

"I'll see you tomorrow at your wedding!" He yelled before running off. Lyra looks up to the stars. Of course, they were in the clouds, but the stars are something she always wondered.

"What should I do?"

"I don't know how this will end," you said unsure. You never knew about this.

"I guess this isn't the one Bill said when we were in when he said he been in love with." The memory changed. It was the Wedding day.

"Today is her wedding.... Lyra's Wedding.......... I have to stop loving her, but I can't...." Bill was shaking feeling the rage. He wanted to burst but he doesn't want to ruin her day. He was sure she wants everyone she knows so he stayed inside cooped up. He let a breath out not knowing you held it in.

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