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In your mind

"No! Get me out of this mind!" Telepatha yelled trying to get out. You created a cage around her.

"Too late Telepatha. You can never hurt no one. We know you don't have a child to be reborn. You never found true love. You put me in danger. Now you're finish."

"You will pay!"

"No I won't. But you will be forgotten," you grinned.

"NOOOOOO!!!!!" She disappeared. You look around seeing the flames coming closer and closer. You smile with tears falling down.

Out of the mind

Dipper held you tight letting heart out. He cried so much. He didn't want to wipe your memory, but you were finally saved. Mabel walked to her twin placing a hand on his shoulder

"It's okay Dipper. You did the right thing," she ushered him.

"You did okay Dipper. I'll use my power to bring back what gravity falls was," Lyra said using her power to make the weird stuff go back to normal with Bill's help. For looked out the castle seeing the people coming back.

"Yes everyone is heading back home." They floated back down into town to see the mayor already in process to make another forget law like when Bill took over.

"My bad. I manage to get out of her traced and forgot everything then wanted to take over the dimension and as soon I was reborn, she took controlled of me again," Bill said. Lyra hugged him

"I'm just glad you okay." He hugs her back.

"I'm glad your back," he said cupping her face and kissing her passionately missing the taste of his wife's lips.

"I missed you to": she said when they broke for air.

"Well were all hurt. Now we have to go to the hospital," Stan said.

"Come on Dipper. The Doctors will help," Mabel told Dipper who still held you in his arms. Lyra looked at the twins.

"I'm sure the Doctors at the constellation will come to help. I'm sure they saw what happened and knew they couldn't do much.

"Of course not. Last time if I recall. I beat Time babies but. Bet they were scred shitless when they saw our baby about to take over. Better give us an award after this!" Bill yelled. Lyra chuckled at her husband's angerness. Dipper looked down at your face.

"You'll be fine Lee. Where getting you back."

2 weeks had pass and you were still out cold. Dipper sat at his usual spot for the past 2 weeks. Holding your hand waiting for you to wake up. The constellations came an hour later having your room ready. It was quite a trip for everyone. He sighed seeing no response came again.

"Don't worry Dipper he'll wake up." Dipper looked at his twin. She gave a faint smile giving some hope to Dipper.

"Yea Dipper don't worry. This is not going to beat him up," Pacifica said trying to help/

"Say's you. You got Mabel. Y'all are getting married soon to." It wasn't long Pacifica proposed. Of course Pacifica had your help preparing. Pacifica prepared the day her and Mabel got together and asked you for a plan and of course you helped. Pacifica wanted to lighten the mood around you so she made her plan in action. She can't wait to tell you how it went. All she wanted was for you to wake up to.

"But we decided to have it when (Y/n) is up. She was the one they finally got us together. Even Pacifica told me they been planning how she would propose to me when we started dating."

"Yea. It wouldn't feel the same without him."

"Yea Dipper. Ever since (Y/n) came he made us have a like an adventure dude. Don't worry. I doubt he will forget that," Wendy said smiling. Of course, she was worried. Sure, both of you weren't blood but she saw you as a true brother. She knew you were Bill's son but never spoke about it. She only knew when she encountered Bill a couple years ago. She didn't need to worry about that now though.

"I guess," Dipper whispered biting his lips.

"Don't worry Kiddo," Stan ushered him.

"He won't forget Dipper," Ford said trying to help as well.

"Like Yea dude. You like love each other so like love conquers all dude," Soos said. The Doctor walked in.

"I have news. Checking the results, he is fine. Nothings damage. Same result as usual. The little-" he was cut off with Mabel covering his mouth.

"Sorry doc not yet," she said. The doctor nodded taking his leave.

Hey Pacifica maybe we should go dosome shopping to see what we want for the wedding so when (Y/n) wakes up. It can all be ready." She nodded agreeing. "Bye Dipper and everyone!" Mabel yelled walking out with Pacifica.

"I hope it goes out well for them," Wendy said.

"Come on. We have a Shack to run," Stan said walking to the door.

"See ya later dude and get some sleep!" Wendy yelled walking out.

"Yea dude." Soos followed as well. Ford pats the twins back.

"You should Dipper. You need it."

"I will great uncle ford." Ford smiles then leaves as well. Dipper looks back at your sleeping face.

"Wake up soon..." he whispered. He heard the door open again.

"Hello Dipper." He turns seeing Lyra and Bill.

"Hiya Pine tree."

"Hi Lyra and Bill," he waved at them with his free hand. They walked to him.

"I see he's doing fine," she said looking at the monitors. Same results.

"Yea. The doctors say nothing didn't do too much damage. Same results so he's doing good," he told her.

"Good to hear. I know how you feel Pine tree. You don't have to worry. I know it hurts to see the one you love is not awake, but he will soon and know you are here," Bill said reassuring him.

"Thanks Bill. I guess."

"It's a thanks Pine tree for giving back my Love."

"I still can't believe you're a King Bill, well a dream demon King that married a star in the sky, the queen of the constellations.

"Well I was a princess then later in life my parents have been killed and continued my Rule. My place on earth was my honeymoon but was able to extend it because of my pregnancy."

"Well I been Prince until I defeated my father for doing well most evil than me plus he was getting old, so I took over.

"Now (Y/n) is the Prince of both Kingdoms. He is unique. Just like you and Mabel, Dipper."

"Thanks Lyra," he said smiling.

"We have to go. The Constellations need me now. I have to make sure my kingdom goes back on track. Can you watch him while were gone?" She asked him. Dipper smiled saying, "With my life."

"Glad to hear. Or I will-" Lyra elbowed his stomach then grabs his hand to lead him out.

"See you when we get back Dipper. And thank you."

"Same to you to," he said waving them bye. He brings his attention back to you. "Wake up soon."

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