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"(Y/n) I-" You fell on your knees crying hard. You didn't like this. You wanted it to end. Dipper bent down and held you tight letting you cry.

"Why would Telepatha want to see this? Wait... Where is she?!" You yelled frustrated.

"Will find her somewhere.."

"Well you did." You reacted fast. You turned and sent a blast to the direction of the voice.

"You will pay!!!!!!" You fly to her and send a punch. She easily blocks it.

"That's what she said," she sends a punch back at you sending you to the ground.

"We're in the mind so," Dipper creates a blast toward her.

"O I knew you would remember you did this with Bill," Telepatha said mad.

"O yea. Not my first time." Dipper created the portal to send her out the mind.


"A portal to get you out of Bill's Mind!" Dipper yelled imagining chains to pull her to the portal. Telepatha grinned already getting what she needed.

"O really?! Fine! Then I'll go to his mind!" She flies straight to the portal out Bill's mind.

"No! Dang it! We have to-" the memory changed.

"Dipper, Wait, we're not in gravity falls," you said looking at the streets. You never been here or know why your father came here.

"You're right. Wait it looks like were at... CALIFORNIA! Wait we're still in Bill's mind so why would he be here?!" Both of you were teleported to a room with a women, man, and doctor you assume. You turn to look and froze.

"Dipper......it's her..."

"Lyra.... But I thought she died."

"Wait she has bill's power so she must have it. This must be one of her memories. Wait that means since they connected. I think that's why it was possible for us to see Lyra's memories as well!" You yelled confused.

"O boy. This is a trip. I'm a sprit now and I can do a couple task before I go. I need to keep my promise. Stanford's great grand kids should be here," Lyra said.

"O no, please no." Both you and Dipper turn to the voice. The door was open.

"That's my mom," Dipper said.

"I'm sorry but your son will die."

"How much time do we have?"

"That's my dad to."

"Y'all have tomorrow. I'll leave you to be." The doctor took his exit.

"I can't believe that Mason will die. How will Mabel-"

"Come on relax. We can do this.

"O no. his grandkid is going to die. Not on my watch." Lyra went up the stairs with you two following. Lyra looks in the carriage. You could tell it was Mabel. "Hello," Lyra said making her visible.

"Hi I'm Mabel."

"So, this is Mason?" Lyra pointed to the boy.

"Yea that's Dipper. He's my brother."

"He has a birthmark. Just like (Y/n)." Lyra places a hand on Dipper and Mabels head. "O my. Y'all have it. Y'all have a future that is incredible but if Dipper is gone no one will stop him. You have healing powers Mabel, but Dipper is weak from power." Lyra places her hand back on Dippers birthmark whispering a spell making it glow. "He should be fine now. Just tomorrow make sure to heal him up. And you may fall asleep and forget."

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