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"BILL?!" Mabel and Dipper yelled in disbelief.

"How?! We erased you! You should be gone!" Dipper yelled getting on front of you.

"Yea! Go Away Bill!" Mabel yelled getting in front of Pacifica. Bill grins and blast right in front of Mabel causing her to fall back to Pacifica making them both fall to the ground. Pacifica holds her. "Mabel!"

"I'm okay," she tells her.

"You're next Pine Tree." Bill aims his finger at Dipper.

"I can defeat you Bill!" Dipper yelled. Bill grins.

"Let's test that theory." Bill was about to shoot till you got in front of Dipper. You glared at Bill challenging him. Bill growls as he lowers his hand.

Bill: GRR.....

"We have to get out of here before he-"

"I know," Dipper told his twin. He looked at Pacifica seeing if she was thinking the same thing. Luckily, she was. She grabbed Mabel's hand bringing to her feet and started to run. Dipper grabbed your hand and started to run after them. Unfortunately, Bill was coming after you. Still in the sky. He wasn't done with you kids. You looked up seeing he was still after you. You needed a plan.

"We have to get rid of him!" You yelled.

"But how?" That's the thing you wished you knew. Only way is the one thing you didn't want to use often. Maybe this once. You thought. You pointed

"Look!" You yelled pointing to nothing. Mabel looked at you and you pleaded with your eyes. She got what you were doing.

"Dipper watch up ahead!" Dipper looked at his twin confused as you blinked.

"Mabel take that way with Pacifica! I'll stay with Dipper!" You yelled pointing to a path up ahead for her to take with Pacifica. She nods. Mabel took the lead from Pacifica and lead the way. You kept running and when you felt like Bill was distracted where girls left. You took the lead from Dipper and hide behind a tree pulling Dipper close and blinked. Dipper tried to pull away, but you held tight. You didn't want Dipper to see your face yet. Bill flied closer to the ground looking around. Dipper then held you tighter. You heard the noises behind but didn't want to look.

"NO!!!!" Bill yelled. You stayed Quiet hearing the rustles become less and less quiet. He was gone. You let your breath go not knowing you held it in. You closed your eyes letting yourself relax. When you felt it was safe enough you pushed Dipper a bit to let go. When he looked at you, but you fell leaning against the tree. You needed to relax. You used to much just for that, but you knew if you didn't. You would have been caught or them. Dipper bent down to his knee checking you. You looked at him, looking into Dippers eyes. He looked at you worried. He placed a hand on your cheek. You leaned into it.

"That was close," you said closing your eyes again. Dipper sat down, pulling you into him. He was so worried. He thought Bill would hurt you. Yes, he was worried about his sister and her new GF. But they encountered him before. Not you. You leaned into him, placing your head under his neck. Taking in his scent.

"I don't get it. How is Bill alive? I was sure we got rid of him!" Dipper yelled mad.

"Dipper keep your voice down. He still can be nearby," You whispered nuzzling close. You felt cold for some reason and Dipper noticed. He held you closer to him. You can tell Dipper had a lot on his mind by the way he held you. It was tight and you sure that he was biting his lips.

"Dipper I know you have a lot in your mind. I'm here to listen." You felt him nod.

"You know about what happened to Bill right? How we defeated?" You nodded. "You know after the incident the mayor made a law to make sure or help people to forget about it. Everyone thought he was gone; he was in the past. But now he's back. I don't know how. After everything he did. That's why I hate Bill so much. He tricks to many people and wants the world to his knee's like come on, but no matter what, me and Mabel will stop anything he put's in our path and hope he suffers! Alone and deserted with no one," Dipper said coldly. You felt a chill go down.

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