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Dipper wakes up feeling the cold. He looks around seeing you were gone. After the date you guys went back to the Shack and watch movies again. It's become a habit you guys do but didn't mind since both of you loved to snuggle against each other and watch movies together at the end of the day. It always made Dipper smile watching you sleep against him. And some time he gets the chance to wake up before you and lift you off to bed as he made breakfast for you, or you awake before him and coming back with breakfast for him to eat. He got up and head to the kitchen, but you weren't there. He went back to sit down, but he had a bad feeling come. He grabbed a jacket and walked into the forest, having a feeling you were there. He walked and walked hoping to find you. Then he heard your voice. He smiled in relief. As he got closer, he heard you yell, "I know you're here. Show yourself!" Dipper was confused and was about to walk to you until he popped up.

"Well hello Sweetie," Bill said popping up. Dipper's fist bolded in anger. He needed a plan to get you free but then he realized how and why was he here and why isn't he attacking you. "How do you do?" He shook his head. He needed to protect you. He bent down and started to crawl quietly to get closer for an attack.

"Cut the act. Why are you here?" You asked him, taking a step forward.

"Aww not glad to see-"

"Human form please," you said cutting him off. Bill growled but let it be. He snapped his fingers and he was in his so called 'Human Form.' "Better?" He asked sarcastically. 


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"Better. Now why are you here?

"Well I-" He was cut off by Dipper tackling to the ground. "Don't hurt him!" Dipper yelled. You were shock seeing him. You were sure he was dead asleep knowing what time he fell asleep.

"Dipper!?" You yelled shock. A surge came through and you fell to your knees. You took a breath knowing you can't have your energy surging now. You looked back at Dipper seeing he raised one hand enchanting some words that caused his hand to turn into flames. "You will not-" You ran to Dipper to grab his arm before he brought it to Bill.

"No please stop! Dipper I'm begging! Don't hurt him!" You begged. Dipper turned his head to look at you. He was confused but pissed.

"Why?! Why do you want him here alive?!" Then Dipper had a feeling this happened like the words. Then it hit him. A couple days before. When you were sleep talking. Panic ran then it happened.

"Because he's......" You quickly thought of something. "Important. He need's to live for gravity falls." Dipper got up and started to step back. He was relieved but wondered why you would want to save him. He looked at you in disbelief and confusion. He looked at you and Bill constantly. "what do you mean for Gravity falls? What does that have to do with you?! Why keep him alive?!"

"O sweet (Y/n), I forgot to mention. I didn't come alone." You looked at him.

"Please don't tell me." Something pops up above you. "No not her." Panic ran but you tried staying calm as the energy became stronger. 

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