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Dipper ran to you and yelled, "(Y/n)!" You turn not believing your ears but still hoped and said, "Dipper?" Dipper hugs you and you knew, it was really him but still had to ask. "What are you doing here?! Wait how?!"

"Umm well we were trying to save you from Telepatha but now she said she was coming into Bill's memories. But why is Bill destroying things?! I thought he was on our side!" You sighed as you tried explaining.

"Wait Dipper.... Remember what you said. Telepatha was trying to get in bill's mind to his memory so. We're in the past where my dad was young."

"O, but who's Lyra?" Dipper asked and you bite your lip.

"She's the one who stopped Bill. The only one who could while others got hurt from Bill. She was summoned from the stars. She's one of the brightest stars in the sky," you said smiling.

"What do you mean the only one?"

"The stars are guardians of people. They protect people from Evil. They all have marks on them to contain their power to not turn evil like Bill and Telepatha. Some protect certain people, but Lyra protects them all. Her mission is to make sure Bill doesn't hurt anyone." You notice the blankness comes back meaning the memory is changing. Of course, Dipper didn't know was happening, so you decide to tell him. "We're going to the next memory of Bill."

"How do you know?"

"I watched the last memory to the time we saw Bill and Lyra meet now I guess to the next. It happened suddenly."

"What was the last thing you remember?" You knew it was going to take some time for the next memory and you didn't really want to remember the last thing you remember but there was no point dodging since you don't know how long you were going to be here.

"Well. I remember umm. I remember running into the forest crying on my knees then hearing Telepatha and after that my mind went blank then I ended up in my mind, stuck in my memories. But later I felt a shake and then I see Bill. When I tried calling for him, I realized I was in his mind going through his memory's, so I started watching. Then that's when you pop up." Dipper felt guilt all over again. He was the reason y'all were here. He hugged you tight and said, "I'm glad you're safe and everything I said before I didn't mean it please forgive me. I'm an idiot." Tears started to form as you lightly push him away and said, "I know...." Diper had a bad feeling and knew it was coming but he hoped.

"(Y/n) no please-"

"It's over. You were my Idiot but how do I know you're not lying." You look at him with tears running down your face.

"I am telling the truth. I love you. When I said those words. I don't know how to say it, but I think I was controlled but when I said those words. They hurt me to. I don't know what got into me."

"Okay I accept your apology." You start to walk away.

"But were still not together. It was never meant to be. Life gave us a reason to not love. For me not to love. If I love you again, I will get hurt again and I don't want that. Now forget that. I have to save my father and that's what's important right now." Dipper was in deep shock but he understands. He tried to hold the anger he held onto himself and said, "Okay." He followed you without a word. You continued on trying to calm down the break down. You look up and see Lyra on the ground as a deer. You norice Bill on the side hiding behind a tree. Why though? "There's Lyra. It looks like a thousand years pass."

"Ow, ow, ow." She was bleeding from her stomach and she doesn't think she can make it far. "That hurts. Stupid guardians. Why did they have to hurt me." Lyra cries more. She was beaten by guardians. One's that swore to protect and attack. She was able to get away and crash at her home in the forest. Of course there was some mean ones but people were like that. She didn't think they would go this far to injury someone. Maybe because she made it this far without being deated but got ties with Bill when they fought. But she had to fight against 3 other guardians like her. Sadness taken over knowing this was the end. "I'm going to die." Someone pops up from the bushes.

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