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When you two got back to the shack, Dipper took the lead and lead to the bedroom. You spent the rest of the day there. Mabel fell asleep with Pacifica next to her on the bed. It was cute to you seeing how close they are. You were currently sitting on Dippers bed, looking the scrap book. Dipper walked in seeing you looking at the scrap book again.

"Still looking at that?"

"Yea. I know it's not that much help, but I still want to know. I want to know how I feel in love with you Dipper," you said as a yawn came. Dipper didn't mind you in the bed. He just laid down feeling exhausted as well.

"Get some sleep okay..."

"Can I sleep next to you?" Dipper nodded. You put the scrap book to the side and laid down. You felt uneasy. Dipper looked like he was fast asleep. Dipper placed an arm over you.

"Get to sleep. Your safe," Dipper mumbled.

"When I'm with you I'm already safe." You smiled at him. "I wish I did know." You fell asleep peacefully. Dipper was shock but smiled. He placed a kiss on your forehead.

"I love you...." Dipper fell right to sleep.


"Hold on Dipper!" You yelled trying to catch up to him.

"Come on!" Dipper yelled stopping to turn to you with open arms.

"You're an idiot," you pouted when you were in his arms.

"I'm your idiot." The next memory formed.

"Break time nerd," you grinned sitting between his legs.

"Alright," Dipper huffed holding you your waist. The next memory came.

"What are you doing Dipper?" You asked watching Dipper have a knife carving the tree. Dipper kept going till he finished.

"There." He stood back to look at his masterpiece.

"D+(Your letter)?" You asked standing next to him looking at his artwork.

"Yep!" Dipper yelled smiling.

"I love you Dipper," you said getting on your toes to give him a kiss on his cheek. Dipper grinned as he stabbed the knife on the tree.

"O really." He grabs your waist lifting you up smiling. You giggled at his action and that made Dippers heart burst. "I love you too (Y/n)." He places a kiss on your lips. You smile.

"Pines you can sure be an idiot," you told him.

"Your idiot though," he countered.

"Yep. My idiot. Let's go!" You started to walk but Dipper pulled your hand to twirl you in front of him.

"Sure." He points at your necklace. "Your mine." You chuckled pointing at his necklace.

"And your mine." Dipper holds your hand as you both walk back to the Shack. "No matter what." The next memory popped up showing you holding down Dipper.

"It's a good guess from a smart guy like me even if I'm called an idiot a lot. I just want the person I love back."

"To late Pines. He's gone!" You yelled. Dipper managed to get out your grip to tackle you into a hug.

"(Y/n) I know you're in there. You can fight back. Please I don't want to. We wear the necklace to represent our love. I'm your and your mine. Please-" You raised your hand and grab a hold of Dipper ripped Jacket. Dipper knew it was you.

"I know Dip. I love you to." Tears started falling down your face. "I'm too weak. I can't fight back. Please Dipper do it. I'm begging. I want everyone safe. I'm sorry. Save me. Let us start over. Okay?" You begged.

Gravity Falls: Fall in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now