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It was July 2020, Joe had just finished another musical. He hasn't been feeling well for months now, but he didn't know what was wrong. He hadn't told dianne about how he had been feeling because he knew that she would over react and make her go to see a doctor, and Joe didn't want to waste the doctors time when he knew nothing was wrong.

Joe: Dianne.
Dianne: yeah joe, are you ok.
Joe: no i feel so sick, my stomach hurts so much.
Dianne walked up to joe and laid beside him stroking his chest as she knew how her gentle touch made him feel better.
Dianne: awww little one, how I hate seeing you feel like this.

Joe began to cry, he was in so much pain, everywhere was hurting.

Dianne: Don't cry baby, you'll feel better soon, it must just be a hangover from last night.
Joe: I have a confession to make...
Dianne: what?
Joe: I've been having these pains every night since about a month, you've been on tour so I couldn't tell you, and you weren't here when they happened.

Dianne was shocked by this, she was also feeling so bad that her love had been going through so much pain and she didn't know about it, she made joe a glass a water and they cuddled up! He was still in so much pain but tried to hold the tears back as he didn't want to scare her. The both fell asleep in a cuddle and that's how they slept all night long.

Dianne: How you feeling little one.

Joe just looked at di, he wanted to cry so much as he still was in so much pain! But he didn't because he knew how upset she gets when he's crying.

Dianne: are you still in pain my love?
Joe: yeah a-lot of pain.
Dianne: i'm gonna run us a bath, then I'm taking you to the doctor.
Joe: thankyou babe.

Joe and Dianne had a bath together and relaxed for a while. They got out joe changed into some comfortable clothes and off they went to the doctor.

Dianne: Joe, I'm scared.
Joe: Don't be afraid for me, I'm gonna be absolutely fine.
Doctor: Joseph Graham Sugg

As the doctor called out their names they both got up and walked in to the office of the doctor.

Doctor: Hello Joe, I feel like I know you, you're on my tv twenty four seven

Joe and Dianne just laughed.

Doctor: So what seems to be the problem.
Joe: Ive been having this pain in my stomach for about a month now.
Doctor: Joe is it ok if a check your whole body to see if i can find something?
Joe: Yeah that's absolutely fine.

Joe was examined by the doctor and Dianne sat there with him holding on to his hand.

Doctor: Joe can I talk to you alone?
Joe: Anything you have to say to me you can say in front of her.
Doctor: I've found a lump on your stomach. I would like to take an x-ray so I can have a look on it with other doctors so we can rule out anything serious like cancer.

Dianne bursts out crying, Joe gave her a hug; he himself wanted to cry but he also wanted to stay strong for his girlfriend. He agreed to the x-ray, they then went home, both of them felt so nervous for the phone call they were going to get tomorrow.

Joe: I'm gonna be fine baby.
Dianne: you don't know that.
Joe: Can we not talk about it for now, we can have a nice night in together and forget about all that is happening?
Dianne: Yeah sure, I love you
Joe: I love you to, one last thing; can you not tell anyone about this till we know the results?
Dianne: sure

Joe and Dianne went to bed that night, both worried about the next day but they didn't talk about it as they didn't want to upset their other half.

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