Can I dance?

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It was now the next day, joe and dianne were so happy! They had the best night and they couldn't wait to announce their engagement!

Dianne: morning future husband!
Joe: morning future wife!
*they kissed*
Dianne: last night was amazing!
*they kissed*
Joe: yeah so good
*they kissed*
Dianne: can i announce yet!
Joe: sure I don't see why not!

Dianne's insta post

Caption: Almost 2 years ago I met the Love of my life! This past year he has been going through so much with his illness, he almost lost his life! It has been hard but now that he is recovered and finally cancer free we can move on with out lives ...

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Caption: Almost 2 years ago I met the Love of my life! This past year he has been going through so much with his illness, he almost lost his life! It has been hard but now that he is recovered and finally cancer free we can move on with out lives and finally e happy! I am honestly so happy to announce that mr joe sugg asked me to marry him last night and honestly I couldn't be happier! I am so excited to marry the love of my life! Let the wedding planning begin🤵 👰

Caspar: congrats guys! You deserve all happiness!
Josh: was wondering when he'd finally donit after out talk @joe_sugg and @casparlee 😉
Zoe: Arghhhhhhh CONGRATS future sister in law!

She also had so many more comments! Everyone were so happy for them and wished them all the happiness in the world!

About a months then passed! It was the first day of Strictly (the launch show). Dianne woke up this morning feeling a bit under the weather. She opened her eyes turned to cuddle joe, she then ran out of bed and headed into the bathroom, Joe ran after her knowing that she needed him to hold her hair back! Joe entered the bathroom and saw her there down on her knees there throwing her guts up! He got down besides her held her hair with one hand and rubber her back with the other.

Joe: Awww little one, you can't possibly dance today, you're not well at all!
Dianne: I have to joe! It's the launch show, i can't miss it.
Joe: honey you look pale af.
Dianne: I'll be fine, I probably just ate something bad.
Joe: yeah probably. What time do you leave?
Dianne: in ten mins! I need to get changed asap!
Joe: have you finished vomiting?
Dianne: yeah I think I'm done!

Dianne brushed her tears then gave Joe a kiss before getting changed and leaving. It took her about 30mins to get there and when she arrive she again felt like vomiting, she ran pass the main entrance passed all her friends who were in the dressing room and got into the toilet to start vomiting again.....
Amy saw that Dianne was running towards the bathroom and knew straight away that she was about to throw up so she went after her.

Amy: You ok di?
Dianne: yeah fine
Amy: Do you feel sick?
Dianne: no, I don't feel sick at all it's jus that this morning I've been vomiting!
Amy: oh that's weird, will you be ok to dance?
Dianne: yeah i'll be fine.

They then made their way back to the dressing room were all of the girls were chilling and stuff as they had an hour to kill. Amy and Dianne sat on the sofa with everyone.

Janette: I'm so happy for you di, you know with joe better and the engagement!
Dianne: thanks so much, I'm so happy! It's been a hard year but things are finally coming together!
Luba: when are you planning on getting married then?
Dianne: were hoping for next year, around April!
Nadia: will it be in Australia?
Dianne: yeah I think it will be, we're gonna invite everyone but we know a-lot won't be able to come to Australia so we might make a party here when we come back!
Katya: thats a good idea!

They all chatted for about an hour or so before they had to get ready. The first thing that dianne had was hair and makeup! Liv did her makeup beautiful as usual and fletch mad her hair stunning as usual! It was now time for Dianne to go get dressed! The strictly designer helped all girls to get ready they had been measured months ago to get there size so that on the night the only thing they need to do was get dressed! Dianne received the dress and then she went back to the dressing to get dressed!

Dianne: Ams help me close this I can't seam to do it.
Amy: ok, it won't close, are you sure it's yours?
Dianne: 100%
Amy: you must of put weight on darling!
Dianne: I couldn't have! I've been keeping the same diet for 5months!
Amy: I hate to brake it to you but is it possible that you might be pregnant?
Dianne: no were careful!
Amy: I think you should check before you start dancing, you have many lifts in this, if something would happen it could hurt the baby if there is one.
Dianne: you're probably right!

Dianne and Amy left Elstree studios and went to the nearest shop! They bought the pregnancy test and headed back so she could take it!

Amy: go on pee on it!
Dianne: I'm scared!
Amy: don't be! I'm sure you're not.

Dianne peed on the test and it came back positive! But she told Amy it was negative as she really wanted to dance! Dianne was gonna hide this pregnancy for as long as she could from everyone including joe as she wanted to dance and she knew that she couldn't!

Dianne forced her dress on and it was obvious that she had put weight on when she was in it but no one said anything as she had health problems in the past with her weight! They kept quiet and they danced! The dance we talked well but after Dianne was so out of breath more than the usual, everyone noticed this to but kept quiet! Dianne left once the show was over she knew who her partner was so she went home to joe!

Dianne: I'm home!
Joe: ello, did you have a good day!
*he hugged her and gave her a kiss*
Dianne: yeah! Are you coming to bed now?
Joe: yeah.

Both of them went up stairs and got changed but once again the pyjamas she was wearing looked very tight on her.

Dianne: omg not again! Nothing fits me it's so annoying!
Joe: you have put a little weight on dot.
*dianne starts to cry, she falls to the floor with her head in her knees! Joe runs up to her*
Joe: it's not a big deal baby everyone puts weight on!
Dianne: it's a big deal Joe, I'm getting fat!
Joe: what do you mean you're getting fat, surely you can't say that you're not fat.
Dianne: you don't get it Joe
Joe: tell me then
Dianne: Joseph I'm pregnant!
Joe: Don't cry dot, it's ok! We'll get through it together, like we always do! We've been through so much this past year, no it's not what we planned and it's a bit weird that it's happening now but I promise we'll get through it!
Dianne: Are you sure?
Joe: yeah I'm sure, we're gonna be fine!
Dianne: i love you, I'm going to bed i need to be up early.
Joe: love you to, I'm coming with you!

They went to bed, Joe was freaking out but didn't want to admit it to dianne she was obviously worried and upset! They cuddled together in bed and talked for a good hour him trying to comfort her!

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