mummy's here

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It was the next day, Caspar and Josh made their way up stairs to Joe's room.

Caspar: morning buddy
Joe: you stayed here last night?
Josh: no way we were leaving you in that state.
Caspar: Can you get up yourself?
Joe: I should be fine

Joe began to get up, he stood,
Joe: dizzy, dizzy help
Caspar catches Joe just in time
Joe: I might need some help ( Joe laughed )
Josh: I think you do m

Josh and Caspar helped Joe get up and they made their way down stairs to get some breakfast.

Josh: do you want a coffee Joe?
Joe: no I'm fine thanks. Help yourself to food.
Caspar: will do thankyou Joe
Joe: I'm gonna go chill on the sofa

Caspar and Josh ate some food and Joe went to chill on the sofa and fell asleep. Then his mother and sister arrived.

Tracy: hello Caspar, what are you doing here?
Caspar: he was really sick yesterday so me and Josh decided to stay over.
Tracy: thankyou Caspar, were is he now?
Caspar: he's sleeping on the couch, were's Zoe?
Tracy: She's coming up now

Tracy made her way up to the sofa and sat right down beside her son.

Tracy: awww baby, mummies here now!

Joe woke up, he sat up and gave his mum the biggest hug and started to cry.

Tracy: it's ok honey, you're gonna get through this.
Joe: Mum its so hard, i feel so sick, weak and tired
Tracy: its ok Joe you will get through this

Josh and Caspar left and Zoe arrived

Joe: Ello, Ello
Zoe: ello little bro, how are you
Joe: better i guess
Zoe: im glad
Tracy: I'm gonna go make you some toast Joe, do you want some Zoe?
Zoe: i'm fine thanks mum

Tracy joe's mum made her way to the kitchen and joe and Zoe talked.

Joe: were's Alfie?
Zoe: he's coming later, were's dianne?
Joe: she's doing the shows on the tour that are close to here so that if something happens she can come fast enough, she'll be here about 5.
Zoe: o ok, how's the chemo going?
Joe: It's awful Zoe, it hurts so much.

Before Zoe could say anything Tracy came through with the toast for joe.

Joe: thankyou mum

Joe took a bite and ran to the toilet as fast as he could, he vomited again!

Zoe: i feel so bad for him mum, he's going through a-lot isn't he.
Tracy: i know honey, if I could go through this for him I would, Im gonna go check on him.
Zoe: ok

Tracy made her way to the bathroom were she saw her son on the floor vomiting his guts out into the toilet.

Tracy: Joseph baby, would you like some water?

Joe just shakes his head at her as he can't stop vomiting. Joe hadn't ate in about 2 weeks and was getting skinnier and skinnier by the minute! No one liked seeing him go through such pain. After about 20mins of vomiting Joe finally stopped.

Joe: mum
Tracy: Yeah
Joe: help me walk to the sofa please, I can't do it on my own, I have no energy.

Tracy just forced a smile on her face and nodded. She held her son and helped him to the sofa.

Zoe: Finished?
Joe: huh yeah
Zoe: I'm glad
Joe: so am I, Do you guys mind if I sleep for a bit, i don't want to seam tired when Dianne arrives.
Tracy: Sleep as much as you want my boy.

So thats what he did he slept for about 3hours. Joe didn't like being sick in front of Dianne as he knew how much she worried, but recently he struggled to hide how bad he felt. It was now 3 and Joe was still asleep, but Dianne was now arriving.

Dianne: hello, were's joe?
Zoe: he's on the couch, sleeping.
Dianne: getting rest, I'm glad. How's he been today?
Tracy: Sick, very sick! He vomited for about 30mins, he couldn't walk from the down stairs bathroom to the sofa, I had to help I'm.
Dianne: I hate seeing him like this, it makes me so sad! I can't cry in front of him, because if I cry, he cries.
Zoe: it's ok for you to cry in front of him, he wants you to be open with him.

Dianne now started crying. Tracy and Zoe tried comforting her, but she couldn't stop.

Joe woke up hearing his other half crying, the sound was coming from the spare bedroom! Joe got up, he struggled to walk but he managed to reach the spare bedroom. Joe putted his head through the door and there she was sitting on the bed between his mother and his sister, all three of them crying.

Joe: why are you crying?
Dianne: were not crying
Zoe: yeah we are

Zoe and Tracy both stood up and made their way out of the room, while joe on the other hand was heading towards his heart broken girlfriend to give her a hug and a million kissed.

Joe: don't cry little one, i'm gonna be fine.
Dianne: you're in so much pain and it's killing me seeing you like this! You've done nothing to deserve this! I should have had this happening to me I deserve this you don't.
Joe: Dianne Claire Buswell don't you ever say that again, you deserve nothing but happiness in your life. You are a beautiful, kind and caring girl who deserves so much more than this skinny, weak, sick boy! You have no idea how much you have added to my live, and the fact that you're helping me through this stupid cancer means the world to me.
Dianne: Awww joe, you're so much more to me you're kind, you're talented, and you're the most funny person I know, i don't know what I would do with out you, I love you so much.
Joe: I love you more
Dianne: not possible

Joe and Dianne hugged and kissed and hugged and kissed all night. They said good bye to Zoe and Tracy and watched a film till they eventually fell asleep.

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