I'm back

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It was now the next day. Joe woke up before dianne so he got up and went down stairs to tidy up the mess from last night. He then made Dianne a coffee and took it up to her.

Dianne: morning little one
Joe: you're awake?
Dianne: yeah, have been for about 5mins
Joe: oh, here i made you a coffee
Dianne: thankyou!
Joe: you feeling better?
Dianne: much better thanks to you! Do you have any plans today?
Joe: not much, I'm gonna make my first YouTube video in months, giving an update on all things me!
Dianne: Ar you sure joe! You don't know if it's  gone yet! You don't want your viewers getting their hopes up that you're back for good!
Joe: i owe it to them! I just disappeared for a couple months with out giving them any explanation! And if it isn't gone I'm gonna try make a video every once in a while.
Dianne: if that's what you want then i'm gonna support you baby.
Joe: you're support means everything to me.

Joe joined Dianne in the bed to give her a cuddle and a phew kisses! They had a pretty chilled day did nothing really but enjoyed each other's company. But Joe was now ready to film his video!

Joe speaking in his video

Jolly, it's been a while guys! I haven't seen you in about 8months, it's the longest I've ever gone with out uploading which is crazy! But don't worry i have an hopefully expectable explanation. Im gonna try give you as much detail possible.
So a phew months back for a while i had been experiencing a pain in my stomach which happened regularly, one day it got very bad I couldn't move so dianne insisted that I go to the doctor. They didn't know what was wrong they got my scan and kept it over night and the next day I got diagnosed with cancer! It was scary me and Dianne were worried for what the future held for us. I told all my friends and family they've been so supportive of me which is so nice.  Since then ive had many surgeries and so much different types of chemo therapy which do have horrible side affects, as you can see my hair is on the verge of being completely gone! I'm not gonna lie but it has been tuff and I wouldn't have been able to do it with out all of the support I've been getting from people especially 2! My best friend Caspar has been an absolute dream he has took me to many appointments but mostly has made sure I'm ok all the time! Every day he calls me and make sure I've been taking my medicine and I couldn't thank him enough! The second person who really has helped me is my beautiful girlfriend Dianne! She has been a star! She has comforted me when I'm on my worse has held my hair back when I've been sick she honestly is the best and I love her so much! You're now probably ask if whats happening now? Well in 2 weeks time I have another scan which hopefully will tell me that it's gone! I think this is everything you need fo know, please don't worry I'm gonna be fine, if you're going through something like this stay strong! Next week I'm gonna film a q&a so please ask questions in the comments below, until then pleas like and subscribe.

After recording joe went down stairs to start editing as he was so excited/nervous to upload it! He didn't know how his fans would react! Would they be mad at him? He didn't know. He sat on the sofa by Dianne we're she was fast a sleep he putted a blanket over her to keep her warm, placed a kiss on her forehead before beginning to edit! There wasn't a-lot of editing to do he got it done in about 30 minutes! When he was done he instantly uploaded it! His phone went mad so many of his fans were dm ing him making sure he was ok! Joe was so happy that people understood what he had been going through.

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