Strictly tour

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Joe's first chemo treatment had been on Monday, he was feeling ok but today was the first date of Dianne's Strictly tour, Joe had decided not to go as he wasn't up for it! Joe had his mates coming round tonight and then a couple people were coming to see him through out the week.

Dianne: Are you sure that you're not coming joe?
Joe: yeah, I'll be fine! I have no energy to travel so I'm better off staying here and play some games with the gang.
Dianne: ok if you're sure.

Dianne went up to joe who was sitting on the corner sofa with a big fluffy blanket and cuddled up to him for a good half an hour before she had to leave him. As Dianne was walking out of the building Caspar was walking in.
Caspar: heyyy di
Dianne: ello
Caspar: Are you off then?
Dianne: yeah
Caspar: is joe awake?
Dianne: he was when i left.
Caspar: ok, how is he
Dianne: He says he's ok, but i know he isn't, make sure he's ok for me.
Caspar: i will

Dianne left and Caspar went up to Joe.

From now on there will be a-lot of talking between characters.

Caspar: joe
Joe: come in mate
Caspar: Hey buddy
Joe: ello
Caspar: how you feeling?
Joe: Better thankyou.
Caspar: i'm glad. How did your first chemo go?
Joe: i hated it, i felt so sick during it, but I was lucky because i had di there with me, she made me feel a-lot better.
Caspar: but you're ok now right,
Joe: yeah, what time are the others arriving?
Caspar: Josh is behind me, he went to Sainsbury's to get you some chocolate.
Joe: what shall we do?
Caspar: play some games? And I know that Jack is bringing some drinks for us and we can order some food.
Joe: that sounds good!

Everyone had now arrived, they played a-lot of games but now they were hungry.

Mikey: should we order a pizza
Joe: Yeah sure, I'll call them now

Joe called the pizza place and ordered 5 different pizza's. They arrived, Mikey went to the door and payed. They laid the pizzas on the coffee table and helped themselves.
Joe: I don't know if I want pizza to be honest
Josh: You have to eat something
Joe: you're right I'll eat a slice of the plain one
Josh: is it nice?
Joe: yeah, I'm just gonna go call Dianne

Joe stood up and walked slowly up stairs while the rest of the boys talked~

Jack: I hate seeing him like this
Byron: i know, it's awful, he's so Sick bless him
Caspar: Did you hear that? I don't think he's calling Dianne, I think he's vomiting.
Conor: I heard it, you should go check on him Caspar.
Caspar: I don't think he wants us to know that he's sick
Jack: that doesn't matter, if he's sick we need to help him
Caspar: I'll go up now

Caspar made his way up stairs.

Caspar: You ok buddy
Joe: yeah fine I'm used to this
Caspar: You shouldn't stay here alone, bring a bucket down with you
Joe: it's fine you guys are trying to eat
Caspar: we don't mind, all we want is for you to be ok and not alone.

Joe decided to go down stairs with Caspar.

Byron: all good mate?
Joe: yes, just got sick after the pizza, nothing new m, the doctor said that I might be sick one or twice after eating, if it happens a-lot then we should worry.
Josh: i'll put this pizza away and we can keep playing.
Joe: it's fine i'll clean when you're gone
Josh: don't be stupid you're sick
Joe: thanks Josh, here we go again *joe vomits* sorry you had to see that boys
Mikey: stop saying sorry mate it's not your fault.
*Joe vomits against*
Byron: is this normal joe?
Joe: yeah i'm fine, lets keep playing

They kept playing for a while. Joe was still vomiting until he eventually fell asleep.

Caspar: He's sleeping
Jack: We can't leave him like this
Caspar: you guys go, me and Josh will stay here with him tonight. His mum and Zoe are coming here tomorrow.

Everyone left except Josh and Caspar.

Caspar: I didn't realise till tonight how sick he really is.
Josh: I know right, look how skinny he's gone, and he's so pale.
Caspar: I feel so bad for him.

After a phew hours Joe woke up. He couldn't see anyone so he was confused about were everyone had gone.

Joe: Hello
Caspar: You're awake
Joe: Yeah, has everyone left?
Josh: they left when you fell asleep
Joe: Can you help me get to bed? I feel so weak right now.

They helped joe get to bed, gave him his medicine and Caspar decided to call Dianne.

On the tour
Dianne was sitting at the back of the tour bus with all her Strictly friends worrying about Joe, but she knew that he was in safe hands.

Graziano: How's Joe Dianne
( Dianne began crying as she said this )
Dianne: He's getting worse every day, i'm sorry guys.
Amy: Dianne its ok to cry you know
Dianne: I can't cry at home, if I cry he cry's, he's in enough pain with out having to worry about me.
Then Dianne's phone rang
Dianne: I need to answer this, Its Caspar

Dianne&Caspar phone convo

Caspar: Hey Dianne, how are you
Dianne: I'm good, Is joe ok
Caspar: he's sleeping, I just thought that I should let you know that he's been sick tonight.
Dianne: Does he want me to come home?
Caspar: No he doesn't even know I'm making this call, I just thought you had the right to know this.
Dianne: you're a good friend Caspar thankyou
Caspar: me and Josh are gonna stay with him tonight just in case.
Dianne: I owe you one Caspar
Caspar: you owe me nothing I would do anything to make sure Joe's ok.

Dianne on the bus

Amy: Is everything ok Dianne?
Dianne: it's Joe he's been sick tonight
Amy: Is he ok?
Dianne: Yeah he's fine

Back at joe's house

Joe was asleep, Caspar was asleep, and Josh was asleep, they slept all night. The next morning Joe's mum Tracy was arriving with his Sister Zoe.

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