Could it all be ok in the end?

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As soon as Joe arrived to the hospital he was rushed into surgery again, the doctors closed up his stitches. In this surgery there was a-lot of blood loss which wasn't a good sign for him as he was all ready weak. Joe went through a-lot of trauma during the surgery he even died for a split second but he was battling through and attempting to beat cancers ass!

While Joe was in surgery
It was only Dianne and Graham who came to the hospital with Joe. As he was in being operated on Graham and Dianne sat in the waiting room feeling very nervous for the outcome of the surgery.

Dianne: Tracy, she needs to know about this
Graham: as much as I hate to admit it Joe needs his mother now, I'll call her now.
Dianne: are you sure, I know things are bad between you guys.
Graham: i know but for today we need to grow up and not act like children so we can be here for our son.

phone call between Tracy and Graham-
Tracy: Graham, wasn't expecting a call from you today.
Graham: trust me i wish I wasn't calling.
Tracy: you sound worried, are you ok?
Graham: its Joe tracy...
Tracy: were are you?
Graham: at Bath hospital
Tracy: I'm on my way

After he called her he went back to sit with Dianne, she was crying her eyes out so Graham began comforting her trying to make her feel better, but nothing worked she was to worried about her Joseph.

After an hour or so Tracy was still not here as she was stuck in traffic but Joe was finally out of surgery. Dianne was so happy to hear that he was stable but so upset that his conditions were bad.

Graham let Dianne have time alone with joe before he came in to see his son. As she walked in there he was, her prince charming laying down looking so peaceful. He had so many tubes connected to his body which at the moment we're keeping him alive. Yes you guessed right Joe was in a coma! As Dianne sat there beside him she played their Spotify playlist which played all songs that represented  their love for each other. She held his hand so tight that she could of bursted a vain in joe's skinny weak hand. She then began talking to him.

Dianne: Awww Joseph, my love, my soulmate my best friend! You've had a habit of giving us a scare lately haven't you! You cheeky little monkey! When I first met you Joe you were the most quiet and shy person i had ever met and oh how things have changed over the last year of me getting to know you! We've been through so much together and i'm not ready for our journey to end! We were gonna have kids joe 2, 1 boy and 1 girl, Amelia Claire Sugg, and Alex Graham Sugg! Oh how good of a father you're gonna be! We're gonna get married on day Joseph on a small island in mykanos not a big reception just a small one for close friends and family. But when we're hoe were gonna throw the biggest party.....

This was when Dianne was interrupted, Graham came in and Tracy was also with him. She hugged Dianne and wiped the tears off her face whilst trying to hold her own ones in! All three of them stood there not knowing what to say or do!

Suddenly after a phew moment Joe's eyes started blinking! The machines went mad beeping and all that the Doctors rushed in and sent all three of them out of Joe's room...

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