my news to say

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It was the next day, it was 8:30 am, both Joe and Dianne hadn't slept well as they were so worried. They were expecting the call at about 3:30 am!

Dianne: good morning little one, how you feeling?
Joe: I'm feeling better thanks, nervous though.
Dianne: Joe it's ok to be nervous, It's ok to cry, you don't have to be strong in front of me.

Joe burst out crying, Dianne cuddles him so tight whispering to his ear you will be fine.
It was now 9:29 and both of them were sitting on the sofa with the phone on the coffee table waiting for it to ring. *ring ring, ring ring. The phone went and Joe picked up while Dianne sat there looking deeply to his eyes.
Doctor: Hello joe
Joe: hey how are you?
Doctor: I'm good thankyou, so we have looked at your x-ray and we can reveal that you have cancer on your stomach, Joe I'm so sorry to have to tell you this, you can call me tomorrow tomorrow to book in your first chemotherapy treatment.
Joe: ok thankyou

As soon as the doctor hang up joe dropped his phone and started to cry! Dianne instantly knew what was the news that he received.

A phew days had passed Joe had books his appointment, but he know had to tell his friends, Dianne had told his family because he didn't know how to.

Dianne: are you sure that you're feeling well enough to go out for a roast with your friends.
Joe: yeah I haven't been sick since the day we found out, plus I really want a good day out with me mates before i start my treatment.
Dianne: ok if you're sure.
Joe: You should go out with your friends or something, I'm gonna need you a-lot in the next phew weeks.
Dianne: Yeah i might call Amy.
Joe: what ever you do forget about me and my illness, have fun! Remember I will be fine with my friends. Now I have to go, Caspar and Josh will be here now.
Dianne: Ok, I love you, call me if you feel sick or if you need anything.
Joe: I will, now give me a kiss.

They Kissed and off Joe was out the door.
Joe's day
Joe arrived into the Uber and there Josh and Caspar were.

Joe: ello, ello
Caspar: yoooo buddy
Josh: Heyy
Caspar: Joe you look pale, are you ok.
Joe: I was gonna tell all you buttercreams at the same time but I'm gonna tell you now as you are my best friends
Josh: what's up Joe?
Joe: i got diagnosed with Cancer on Wednesday
Caspar: Wait, What, How?
Joe: I had a pain in my stomach for months before I went to the doctors on Tuesday, Dianne made me go so I went it was so traumatic and i felt so bad for her, she couldn't stop crying, bless her.
Josh: Will you be getting treatment?
Joe: Yeah I have chemotherapy on Monday
Caspar: And how do you feel?
Joe: i was really sick at first vomiting, feeling dizzy and stuff, but by now i feel fine.
Josh: Joe I'm so sorry if you need anything we will help you.
Joe: thankyou, I will hopefully be fine but i do need to ask you something.
Caspar: anything
Joe: if I die
Josh: don't say that joe
Joe: listen josh, If I die in this will you promise me that you will check up on dianne once a week, make sure that she's ok
Caspar: firstly joe you won't die but if you do and you won't we will keep that promise for you.

They chatted and they chatted about Joe's illnesses, Josh's new girlfriend and Caspar's plans on asking Amber to marry him.

Dianne's day
Dianne had made plans with Amy originally but then both of them had received a call saying that the had to go to rehearsals for the strictly pro tour as one of the other dancers had an injury.
Dianne arrived at the studio. The first dance that they dances to was this years love, every dancer got to chose one dance to dance to with the others. Dianne chose this years love months ago as it reminded her of Joe. They danced and they danced to this beautiful song, all dianne could think about was Joe. Through all the song she had been holding tears in but by the chorus she dropped to the floor and bursted out crying. No one knew what was going on at home so they all ran up to her picked her up and took her to a chair.

They all gathered around Dianne and waited for her to tell her what it is that was wrong with her.
Dianne: it's Joe
Graziano: what about Joe?
Dianne: he has cancer
They all looked at each-other, suddenly there was a really sad vibe was in the studio. No one said anything to Dianne except Amy.
Amy: I'm sorry dianne, were is he now??
Dianne: He's out with his friends, telling them the news.
After this they all decided to go home, most of them were crying because at the end of the day they all liked Joe and were friends with him.

Joe's day
Joe, Caspar, and Josh had now arrived the restaurant were they will be eating.
Joe: can you not tell anyone, till I say please?
Caspar: I won't joe and neither will Josh

They walked in and saw all their friends there sitting around a big  round table.

Oli: Heyy guys, you're late.
Joe: A-lot of traffic, how are you guys.
Mikey: im fine, you look pale af Joe, haa you have a hangover don't you.

Mikey laughed while saying this and Josh just punched him in the leg.

Mikey: Awwwww
Joe: I'm actually not hungover mikey
Byron: Whats up then Joe you look I'll
Caspar: I'm going to the toilet, come with me Josh I can't hear this again.

After Josh and Caspar left to the toilet Joe was so nervous about how his friends would react.

Joe: So I've been feeling sick for months now and I was in so much pain on Tuesday Dianne took me to the doctor, they made some tests and found that a have cancer in my stomach.
Jack: They're doing something about it right?
Joe: Yeah I have chemo on Monday, Because I found out very early there's a better chance of surviving.
Conor: Ok so you're gonna be ok yeah?
Joe: Yeah I have to be fine and stay positive.

Mikey had a tear jerker n his eye, he didn't say anything he stood up and went to join Josh and Caspar in the toilet.

In the toilet
As Mikey walked in he saw that Josh was there comforting Caspar as he was crying.
Josh: Did he tell you
Mikey: yeah I didn't know what to say, I feel so bad for him he looks so sick and scared.
Caspar: I know, I think that we should treat him normally send everyone a text and tell them not to bring it up while we eat,
Josh: I agree
Mikey: So do I

After sending a text to their friends who were there they all agreed and went back to join the others.

Back on the table
They arrived back and everyone was there talking.
Joe: Caspar you ok mate
Caspar: yeah fine thanks buddy, shall we order.
Joe: yeah I'm ready. Are you guys?

Everyone were ready they all asked for a large roast but Joe didn't he asked for a small one, this made everyone worry about him because he usually orders a big one.

They all chatted and Chatted till the food finally arrived. They all began. After about 5 mins of eating they all realised that Joe hadn't touched his food.

Caspar: You gonna eat Joe?
Joe: yeah, it looks delicious.

Joe took a bite and he instantly felt like vomiting, he ran to the toilet and he went sick. Caspar went after him when he walked in Joe was sitting in a cubicle crying.

Caspar: You ok buddy
Joe: no I can't eat Caspar, I constantly feel sick, I'm living a shit life.
Caspar: You're gonna get through this!
Joe: What if I don't?
Caspar: you will, do you want me to take you home?
Joe: no its ok, can you call dianne to pick me up please, I really wanna be with her now.
Caspar: Will do, come through and drink some water.

Joe and Caspar both went back to the table everyone asked Joe if he was a ok, he wasn't but he said that he was because he didn't want to draw attention to himself. Dianne then arrived.

Dianne: You ready little one
Joe: yeah, you eat my food first
Dianne: you sure you don't want to go straight home
Joe: I'm fine if I don't eat.

Dianne ate joe's food and talked to his friends, they paid and left Joe's friends. Went straight home, cuddled in bed while watching a film and they went to sleep.

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