here we go

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As they plane prepared to take off they still weren't speaking, he was mad at her for being ungrateful for his trying to help her cause and she was mad at him for getting angry at the flight attendants. The plane took off and about half way up Dianne started bursting out crying.

Joe: dot?
Dianne: it hurts joe.
Joe: what hurts dotty?
Dianne: my ears, my legs, my everything.
Joe: aww honey it's gonna be fine it's just a little shock to your body as it's different this time.
Dianne: (still crying) are you sure, what if I'm in labour?
Joe: you're not, the doctor said this could happen di.

Joe moved to the empty chair next to dianne he held her hand tight with one hand and rubbed her stomach with the other. She was still crying in pain but his warmth touch comforted her. A phew hours into the flight both were sleeping on each other despite their consequences the flight was a good one. They slept through almost all the flight, when they woke up there was about 2hours left of the flight.

Joe: hey little one, you're awake; how are you feeling?
Dianne: so much better thanks to you.
*she kissed him*
Joe: I'm sorry about earlier.
Dianne: no I'm sorry you were only trying to help me and the twins.
Joe: I'm not used to flying like this you know; it's weird.
Dianne: awww you; your so upper class.
Joe: shut up.
*they laughed*
Dianne: will we be living with mum&dad?
Joe: for this week yeah but I've managed to rent the house across the street to them.
Dianne: omg joe you really have planned this a perfect start to our lives as parent.
Joe: Dianne you deserve everything perfect. Also my mum, zoe and alfie ar flying over once they are born.
Dianne: really?
Joe: yeah.

Dianne was so exited she couldn't wait. For the rest of flight they chilled together watching a film. When the plane was landing once again Dianne was in Pain but obviously Joe did everything he could to make it better for her; as always. They got their bags and waited for Andrew and Mel to pick them up,

Joe: You feeling ok after that long old flight.

Dianne: Yeah a little stiff and my back hurts but I'm just so happy to be here.

Joe: I'm glad you're happy dot, look is that Mel and Andrew?

It was them, they waved at Joe and Dianne and so did they back at them. Andrew and Dianne are very close so once Andrew saw her he ran up to her and hugged her.

Andrew: Jesus dot there's no room to hug.

Dianne: Shut up (she was sarcastic)

Mel: You look good Dot.

Dianne: can we catch up with a coffee I really need one, I wanna sit down to.

Joe: There's a decent looking café there.

They went to the café and got a coffee to sit in with before starting to talk again.

Andrew: you've been through a-lot this past year haven't you.

Joe: You can say that

Andrew: How are you anyway by now?

Joe: I'm good but I've been better, I'm just happy that I'm healthy now and happy.

Mel: You look good considering what you've just come out of.

Dianne hated talking about Joe's previous cancer, it made all the bad memories come back. She lived watching her love in pain, and that was painful for her so she changed the subject to something else, After they finished their coffee they were off to Bunbury. It took them exactly 2hours to get there and when they arrived there was a little surprise for them. They walked into the house so confused no one was there the house was so empty.

Dianne: Andrew were are they?

no answer, she kept shouting at him till she heard Joe shouting from the bedroom.

Joe: Look Dot there's a note on the bed.

Dianne: What dose it say?

Joe: Well it says, welcome home dot and joe we hope you had the most amazing flight. All of the family know that you've been through a-lot this year but now happiness is finally coming you're way with the twins on their way. We can't wait to see you, so now put on you're best clothes and go to the place were it all began.

Dianne: the place were it all began?..were could that be?...the hospital?...No couldn't be...its hours away we can't walk there.

Joe: think dot, it must be to do with both of us because the letter had my name on it to so?...

Dianne: omg I know, I know, It's the beach.

Joe: The beach?

Dianne: that's were my moving away party was when I left to the uk, if I hadn't moved we wouldn't be here today! It all started on the beach.

Joe: omg yes, get changed.

Dianne ran to the bathroom and putted some make up while joe putted some jeans and a shirt on. Dianne tried several outfits on but hated every single one.

Dianne: urghhh Joe were not going.

Joe walked in to the bathroom and saw her there in a beautiful mustard yellow dress that really made her glow.

Joe: I'm lost for words dot you look amazing.

Dianne: *starting to cry* no I look fat were not going call my mum joseph.

Joe: Dianne Claire Buswell you don't look fat at all you look stunning you're glowing.

Dianne: really?

Joe: really and even if you did look fat and you don't I would still love you no matter what.

Dianne: I love you joseph

Joe: I love you Dotty.

Joe and Dianne left the house hand in hand and walked to the beach.

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