new things&panicing

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Joe: Morning little one, how you feeling this morning?
*they kiss*
Dianne: I've been better!
*Dianne runs to the toilet and throws up again, joe follows her to hold back her hair*
Joe: Aww finished?
Dianne: yeah I think so, thx for holding my hair!
*she turns round to face him and wraps her arms around his neck*
Joe: I will always be here to hold your hair! Except on Wednesday when I'm going away for the night.
Dianne: (laughing, then turning soft) oh yeah I forgot you were going, do you have to go?
Joe: yeah, me and Caspar have multiple meetings about that thing were doing.
Dianne: that thing! When are you gonna tell me what it is?
Joe: I'm gonna tell you now as it's 100% happening. We're making a film, well documentary about our lives/friendship! We've been through quite a journey together and separate we want to share it and hopefully inspire people.
Dianne: you are the most cutest thing ever! I can't wait to see it. I need to get up, I'm supposed to be at the studio in an hour.
Joe: Is it safe for you to dance?
Dianne: I think it is for now if I'm careful and don't do to many dangerous lifts.
Joe: Are you practicing with your partner or the pro dances.
Dianne: we're doing pro dances this week before the launch show is aired on Saturday then with our partners for two weeks before week 1.
Joe: oh ok, remember careful; you have to take care of yourself and the baby.
Dianne: yeah i know baby.

Dianne got out of bed. She got changed into one of joe's t-shirts as they were a bit bigger than hers and a pair of stretchy nike pro leggings. She hadn't put a-lot of weight on, it was barely recognisable but she still wanted to hide it just in case, if anyone found out she wouldn't be allowed good parts in the dances. Once she was ready she gave joe a kiss and left for the studios. When she arrived everyone was there, she was late; again.

Amy: (laughing) look who's late again.
Dianne: (laughing) Dianne's late again.
Neil: nothing new, ha!
Dianne: enough about me being late; are we gonna dance?
Katya: yes lets go! What should the song be?
Dianne: ummm.....what about....ummmm, you're song?
Graziano: omg yes!
Johanes: looooovvvvvveeeeeee it!
Dianne: should it be a waltz?
Neil: yeah

They got choreographing and decided that Dianne was going to be the lead! She wasn't happy about it due to the consequences but she kept quiet as she didn't want to draw attention to herself. In this dance there were many lifts *dangerous ones*, there were a phew flips and stuff, there was a high risk of dianne being dropped or getting hurt. Before starting to dance Dianne got a free 5mins to call joe.

joe&dianne phone chat
Dianne: Joe I'm main, it's full of dangerous lifts.
Joe: say something.
Dianne: I can't they'll kick me out of the dance.
Joe: you can't risk hurting the baby di
Dianne: i know, i know! I'll get myself out of it. See you tonight; love you
Joe: love you; remember be careful
Dianne: I will!

Dianne got off the phone; she didn't know what to do! She was so scared! After thinking for a while, she decided to tell Amy her situation.

Dianne: Amy? Can I talk to you?
Amy: sure whats up!
Dianne: I'm pregnant
*Amy starts to scream in happiness; every one looked at her and dianne standing in the corner, staring at Amy jumping up and down in excitement*
Dianne: shhhhhh Ams, I don't want anyone to know till after the three months.
Amy: then what's the problem?
Dianne: one. I have put a bit of weight on and the boys might realise that when lifting me! Two. What if i get dropped, these lifts are dangerous.
Amy: were in quite a pickle
Dianne: you should say that you don't want me doing lead and that you should do it?
Amy: if I do that im gonna come across mean!
Dianne: we'll deal with the consequences later.

Amy walks from Dianne grabs a chair and slides it into the middle of the room she stands on it to get everyone's attention.

Amy: everyone listen, I don't think dianne should be the lead!
Neil: why, she's one of the best dancers here?
Amy: she's a grate dancer but not as good with lifts.
Dianne: I don't mind swapping positions with someone.
Graziano: no Dianne you're brilliant at lifts, it was rude of Amy to say this, lets go through it.

Dianne and Amy gave each other this look they didn't know what to do.

Johannes: lets go through it.

Everyone got to their positions and began dancing. Dianne was worried sick, all she could thinking about was the biggest lift were she could be dropped. The lift got closer and closer she was so nervous and when it came it didn't go to plan, she fell from Johannes is shoulders head first and banged her head, she was conscious and all that but her head was bleeding quite a lot and she was so worried about the baby. When it happened Amy ran up to Dianne so worried to make sure she was ok.

Amy: you ok di?
Dianne: yeah these things happen when you're a dancer.

Amy could see the tears in her eyes welling up, she didn't say anything though as she didn't want to reveal Dianne's secrets.

Johannes: I'm sorry Dianne.

Dianne was absolutely fine with Johannes, she's used to being dropped, but obviously this time was different. Dianne got up from the floor and everyone was shocked that her head was bleeding (her forehead) they panicked a little but sonly realised that it wasn't as bad as they thought; they got a first aid kit, gave her a plaster and all was good. Except they didn't know if the baby had been affected. Her t-shirt was coverd in blood so Luba insisted that she wore her spare top except it was all ready cropped and dianne was worried if everyone would realise. Amy went with Dianne to the bathroom to get changed.

Amy: awww look how cute you're little bump is, I didn't realise you were all ready showing.
Dianne: oh no don't say that everyones gonna realise right?
Amy: probably di, l think you should come clean, plus you need to go to the hospital to see if it's ok.

Dianne agreed with Amy; she went back into the studio grabbed her phone so she could call joe but firstly told everyone.

Dianne: I'm sorry guys i need to call joe and go to the hospital.Can you please replace me in the dance.
Janette: is everything ok?
Dianne: yes and no! Im pregnant, i need to go see if the fall effected the baby.

Everyone was so shocked, they congratulated her and made sure she was ok.

Joe&dianne phone call
Joe: ello, everything ok?
Dianne: all is fine;kind of anyway. I fell and opened my head.
Joe: omg are you ok?
Dianne: my heads fine, but I think we should go to the hospital to check if the baby's ok.
Joe: I'm on my way

Joe arrived and the went to the hospital they were obviously worried, but tried to relax. They arrived and got an appointment straight away. It was the same doctor as joe had.

Doctor: i hoped i wouldn't see you here again, are you ok joe?
Joe: I'm fine thx, it's dianne she's pregnant and she fell we just wanna see if she's ok.
Doctor: o ok, congrats let's check you

The doctor checked dianne and everything was absolutely fine. They went home and chilled for the whole night before going to bed and cuddled up to each other while they booked something special until they fell asleep in each other's arms.

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