fall out

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A phew weeks had now passed, Joe had been pretty good since the operation he had and he'd been having chemo twice a week, but hadn't experienced any side effects yet. A week today strictly started so they had a full week to hangout with each other plus joe's chemo was done till after Christmas so the had the whole week for themselves. Joe hadn't been home in Wiltshire in so long there we're some friends he hadn't seen since being diagnosed and also some family he hadn't seen including his Dad.

Joe and Dianne woke up that morning, Dianne feeling good and ready to travel but Joe feeling sick, weak and tired.

Dianne: we don't have to go if you're not up for it?
Joe: I wanna go so much though
Dianne: then we'll go then
Joe: I don't think i can drive though
Dianne: i can drive
Joe: what the hell? You don't have your British license?
Dianne: When you got sick I realised that me being able to drive might be useful so i got my license.
Joe: omg my girlfriend is so prepared.

Joe was so happy that Dianne had her license and that she would be able to drive them both down to Wiltshire. He was so amazed about how prepared she was and he was so excited to go home and see some friends and family.

Dianne got herself ready and she then helped joe up and got him dressed before taking him down stairs to get some breakfast before they had to leave about 10:30.

They got in the car and drove, Dianne was new to driving in the uk but she was a brilliant driver, Joe was shocked!

Dianne: we need to talk joe, and now's the perfect time to do so.
Joe: what?
Dianne: Christmas....
Joe: what about it?
Dianne: what are we gonna do, we can't possibly go to Australia.
Joe: thats a good point.....! You should go to Australia
Dianne: are you taking the piss, no way I'm leaving you her in this state
Joe: you should go you haven't seen your family in so long
Dianne: No joe (saying angrily)
Joe: it would be nice not to have you here mothering 24/7
Dianne: how dare you say that to me

They kept fighting all the way, they were so mad at each other! They couldn't look each other in the eyes! They arrived, they parked at joe's father's house. Joe got out of the car slowly in pain but didn't want to show it as he didn't want her to help him, he limped to the house slowly trying to hold the tears in his eyes. He didn't know what he was crying about, the fact that he had just had a fall out with his girlfriend or that he was in so much pain. Dianne then came out of the car and marched towards the front door overtaking joe. She knocked the door and by the time joe arrived his dad opened the door, he said hello to them both and tried asking them how they were but both of them stormed in Dianne walking straight through the hallway to the kitchen and Joe trying to walk up the stairs with out making it obvious that he was in so much pain. While walking up Joe couldn't hide his pain it was so bad, he cried, he screamed he even almost fell. Dianne heard this and came through from the kitchen as she slowly walked in he saw Graham walking up towards Joe and sitting him down on the stairs as he was only half way there. Dianne didn't show that she was there she just listened to the conversation between a father and a son.

Graham: joe why put yourself through that pain, the living room is right by the door and we have a down stairs bathroom.
Joe: I wanted to hide the fact that i was crying, I was gonna go to my room.
Graham: why did you want to cry? Did something happen between you and di on the way up here?
Joe: i was crying of the pain i had from walking to the front door and from the pain that i had just fallen out with the love of my life.
Graham: awww Joseph what happened?
Joe: we were talking about Christmas and how it was not possible for us to go to Australia I told her to go so that she could be with her family but she said no then I said the most stupid and harsh thing now I'm afraid that she's upset.
Graham: lets get you to your bed, i'm sure Dianne will come up to talk to you.

Graham carried joe up to his old bedroom and laid him down on the bed. He tried to sleep once his father had left him but he couldn't as he was so worried that he had hurt Dianne's feelings. Then he could hear someone come up stairs it couldn't have been his father as the steps were to light, he wonder who it was, but of course it was Dianne. She walked in to the room slowly and unsure that she was welcome.

Dianne: i'm sorry little one
Joe: no I'm sorry, I should never have said such a daft thing! I didn't mean it you've been nothing but helpful and caring through this whole Journey.

Dianne smiled at Joe and he tapped the bed as a sign saying come here, he sat up and mad a space for her to sit besides him, she sat there and they cuddled up.

As they were cuddling up Dianne stroked joe's hair it felt so soft and so different. When she took her hand out of his hair she looked at her hand that was covered in his browny, blond hair. She instantly started bursting out crying.
Joe asked her what was wrong she showed him he also started crying. They cuddled once again trying to comfort each other! Both of them trying to avoid one question~ was it time for joe to shave his head?

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