welcome home

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Dianne hadn't seen most of her family in two whole years, their christmas visit last year cancelled because of the cancer, so this was a very special day she was going to be reunited with all of them her cousins, her niece and nephew mia and billy, friends, brother, and her parents she was so excited! She was also very excited for them all to meet joseph and of course the babies when they were born. As they walked to the beach dianne in her long yellow dress, her bump looking as big and as beautiful as ever, she really was glowing her red hair was half up half down all curly she looked amazing, Joe was in a pair of black skinny jeans and a loose shirt, he was looking very nervous, but the truth was that he felt like he did that night before they found out.

Dianne: what's up joseph, you look sick, omg are you ok you're pale and you look confused, like you were that night; omg are you in pain? Oh no is it back?
Joe: ok, ok calm down babe, yes I do feel sick but it's fine; the doctor said it's gone.
Dianne: he also said it could come back.

Joe turned to Dianne holding her waist and pulling him towards him saying,

Joe: I'm fine it's not back I'm probably just nervous.

They then started to kiss until they heard a young girl shouting, that of course was mia, Dianne's niece.

Mia: DOT

she ran up to Dianne, Dianne got down on her knees slowly to get to mias size and hugged mia tight. Joe stood there watching and waiting for an introduction.

Dianne: mia I've missed you so much honey.
Mia: I missed you to aunty dot.
Dianne: You know who this is don't you?
Mia went shy and just nodded.
Dianne: you've spoken to joseph twice I think, when we revealed the pregnancy and the gender.
Mia: I remember, hi joe
Joe: hi Mia how are you?
Mia: good thx, now come on dot everyone's waiting.
Mia grabs Dianne's hand and pulls her towards the beach, dianne laughs and grabs joe's hand. They all walk to the beach that was just down the hill. She was so happy; she had the most amazing boyfriend in the world, was expecting 2 beautiful baby girls, she was back with her family life was good for di, but would it stay like that? Anyway as the beach came into view Dianne saw all her family and friends there, she was very emotional. They arrived everyone greeting them in their turn, all congratulating them on the engagement and pregnancy, and all saying how beautiful and glowing Dianne looked. As the night went on Joe was feeling i'll af, but didn't say anything. Dianne went scrolling around talking to various people as joe sat down because it was painful walking around.

Dianne: yeah that sounds good...Mum does joe seem ok to you?
Rina: he's quieter than usual, but I'm sure he's fine. How's he been since you know?
Dianne: he's been fine hasn't mentioned feeling i'll till about an hour and a half ago.
Rina: im sure it's just a common cold or something like that.
Dianne: I hope.

Rina then called everyone to sit around the giant picnic Blanco she had laid on the beach before getting the out for everyone to eat. Dianne and Joe sat next to each other with Brandon (Dianne's brother) next to dianne, and mis next to joe. Rina had prepared a beautiful buffet and everyone filled their plates up, except joe.
Rina: is that all you're having joe? A sandwich and one cocktail stick.
Joe: yeah I don't feel like eating much.
Dianne: eat joseph.

No one was looking at them everyone were in their own little world chatting away. But as soom as Joe took a bite he knew that he was about to get sick, he exchanged looks with Dianne, she instantly knew what was happening so she told joe to get up, he then helped her up as fast as he can then dianne said,
Dianne: excuse us we'll be back now.
Brandon: everything ok dot?
Dianne: yeah.

They ran then as they knew they had no time and they obviously didn't want everyone to see. They just made it around the rocks when he threw up about 5 times.

Dianne: awww joseph u done?
Joe sat leaning against the rocks in tears, both of them crying as they were worried about what was happening.
Joe: yeah I think I am.
They were gone for a while so Brandon decided to go looking for them, when he found them he saw a lump of sick on the floor and a very sad looking joe and dianne cuddling and crying.
Brandon: whats going on here dot?
Dianne: no it's joe, he's sick again, what if its back Brandon, exactly the same things are happening, vomiting after eating.
Joe just sat there listening and the tears fell faster when he heard her crying.
Brandon: ok you guys stay calm, I'm gonna take you guys to the hospital right now, my car is right there.
Dianne: thanks.

They all walked back, Dianne holding tight to Joe's hand both of them still crying. As the three walked back everyone could hear&see joe and dianne crying.
Brandon: Annabelle can you and the kids go to mum&dads please I need to take these to the hospital.
Annabelle: sure is everything ok?
Brandon: I don't think, it's joe; cancer might be back.

Joe and Dianne got into the back of the car, they sat so close to each other him holding her as tight as he could. They got to the hospital, Brandon waited in the car. When they got back both of them crying so much, when they got in she said.

Dianne: it's gone...

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