Chapter Two- Dinner with Holly

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Kara and Holly had both arrived at Jones. A nice little Italian restaurant in LA with dim lighting. Holly pulled into the alley behind the restaurant and parked. They walked from to car to the sidewalk, up the street to the front door of the restaurant.

Holly opened up the door for Kara. "After you, ma lady."

Kara giggled at Holly, "Oh I don't think Sophia or Ben would like you doing this."

Holly shrugged, "I'll deal with Sophia if she finds out."

The two girls laughed, and Kara walked in and Holly behind her. "Two?" The host asked.

"Yes." Holly told him and they got sited in the bar room. The place was dimly lit. It was just like it was when she and Kara were dating. Obviously now with them being with others, this was just a friendly dinner. The host gave them their menus and walked away. "So how is Ben?" Holly asked curiously, looking threw the menu. She was so hungry, she could eat 5 different things on the menu.

Kara smiled thinking of him. So far only one little fight, but it got them to open up on some things and it made them stronger for it and know what they really wanted to be together. "He's great. He's shooting a movie in Ireland and I'm moving in with him officially."

Holly smiled, finally glad that her friend talked to him and it's happening for her. She couldn't be happier, but still had some questions of her own. "That's great. But what are you going to do about the Jewelry store?"

"Well..." Kara said before being cut by the waiter. "Hello, Ladies. How are you this evening?"

"Fine." They both answered together.

"Excellent. Can I start you off with drinks?"

"I'll have a glass of your house red." Kara said.

The waiter turned to Holly, "The same." She said.

The waiter smiled. "Alright. Would you also like some of our flat bread with olive Oil?"

"Sounds good." Holly said.

"Alright. I'll be back to take your order." The waiter walked away and the girls went back to their conversation.

"I was thinking that maybe you could run it if you want. I'd make the Jewelry and sent it over to you and if you need help or days off, you can hire someone to help you out. What do you say?"

Holly thought about before the waiter came back with the wine and flat bread. "So, do you ladies know what you want?"

Holly turned to the waiter. "Yes..." She said knowingly to him and it was pointed to Kara. "I'll have the Cesar salad with the Proccato pizza and we'll both split the crab cakes to start.

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