Chapter Fourteen- A visit from Rami

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"What are you doing?" Rami asked Kara on facetime. Normally when she was at the Jewelry shop working, she wouldn't answer her phone. She would keep it in her purse in the back. However, since she was working from home, due to the fatigue, she decided to take it easy andjust work on Charlie's engagement band. It was coming along nicely.

"Just working on a ring for a client." She said taking a break and holding up her phone.

"Are you at that new shop?"

"No, I wasn't feeling well, so I'm working from home."

"Are you sick?"

"Kind of but nothing contagious. Umm... I have some news and I want to wait to tell you in person."

"Well... lucky for you I'm here." The doorbell rang. Kara slowly stood up from her work desk in the back and walked to the front door and opened it. There she saw Rami. They smiled turned off their facetimes and hugged each other, feeling like she had put on some weight. Kara than invited him inside. "I missed you." Rami said with his arm around her. "How have you been?" He asked as they walked towards the living room. Kara went to get them some water.

Kara smiled, "I've missed you, too. I've been good. The shop is going about as well as people who start up new locations do." She said as she sat down on the couch.

Rami nodded as he sat down after her after she handed him his bottle of water. "Well, good, I'm glad." There was a small pause. "Are you sure you're not sick?"

Kara looked over to him after taking a sip. "I'm just tired, because that is sometimes what comes from being pregnant."

Rami's blue eyes got bigger than they normally would. It seemed to be most people's reaction to her pregnancy now. Yes, it was out of the blue, and unexpected, but these things happen. "Wow. How long?" He asked referring to how far along she was."

"About 4 months now. The last time I visited Ben in Ireland and you know..."

Rami smirked, "Well congratulations. We should go out and celebrate. You hungry?"

"At this point, I can pretty much always eat. The ring can wait a little bit; let me grab my purse." She stood up and grabbed her purse and a coat from her desk in her office. She came back out and Rami stood up and they walked out. "There's this nice little Italian place a few blocks from here."

"Sounds good." They walked along, Kara hadn't since much of this area during the day. It was always off to work on the tube and off at night. They walked and Rami told her somethings that he could say about his time on the Bond film and she smiled. "Well... that sounds like a dream come true. I'm so proud of you. If there was one role that was an interesting to play as Freddie Mercury, it's this."

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