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Liked by: lucyboyton1, mr gwilymlee and 3409 others

Karathejewerlymaker: @benhardy purposed and I said yes! I love you so much, baby. I can't wait to marry you. <3 <3 <3

benhardy: I love you more and it'll be the best day of my life along with when the babies are due.

lucyboyton1: I'm so happy for you two. I just had a good feeling for you both would hit it off if you both would admit you like each other.

karathejewerlymaker: Before then, I had no idea who sneaky you and @itsramimalek can be, now I know and I should watch my back. lol

lucyboyton1: All good intentions, I assure you, dear. 

karathejewerlmaker: I know and thank you so much. I would've missed out on being with this amazing man. <3 <3 <3

lucyboyton1: Your welcome. Can't wait for the baby shower and wedding! 

karathejewerlymaker likes this

A/N: Happy Fathers day to my Dad and to everyone else's Dad's. 

Next week is the Bablorachette Party. (More a Baby shower as I wrote it. Oh well)

The first chapter of my Chris Evans fic is up on my page. Feel free to read it if you want to.

Hope you all are having a blessed day. Until next week.-Dreamcast45

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