Chapter Twenty-Three-Reception

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They all arrived at the reception hall the Hilton. It was a special place for Sophia and Holly. The guests check the front desk and got to the hall where the reception is being held. There is an open bar and everywhere enters the room, and check where they're siting. Charlie goes and finds his name, which was actually Brooke's, he just tagged along at the last minute. Now to his surprise, that she crashed. He takes the seat. No sense in wasting the meal.

Ben came by trying to find his seat. He found his name tag near Charlie. "Oh, hello. I'm Ben." He held his hand out to the dark-haired gentleman next to him.

Charlie stood up and smiled, recognizing the blond-haired gentleman from Bohemian Rhapsody and Six Underground. The was Kara's boyfriend he heard so much about. "Nice to meet you, mate." He said reaching his hand out for a shake. "I'm Charlie."

He shook Charlie's hand before letting it go. "Charlie? Say do you by any chance know Kara Roberts. She's a jewelry maker."

Charlie tensed up as he wasn't sure if Kara mentioned him and if she did, was he about to get punched. "Yes. She designed an engagement band I'm giving to my boyfriend, Ian." He infused his partners name to make Ben more comfortable.

Ben nodded. "Right. I know you two have been hanging out and I just wanted you to know that it's ok. I'm glad there's someone else that looks after her."

Charlie smiled in relief. This guy was as cool as he seemed in interviews. "She's a lovely girl. I'm happy she's my new friend. And congratulations."

Ben raised his eyebrow. "On what?"

"The baby."

"Right just making sure. Thank you. We're having Twins."

"I hope your joking." Charlie teased, mincing his line from Bo Rap.

Ben looked at him funny, "No, mate. It's Twins. A boy and a girl."

Charlie smiled and shaked Ben's hand. "Congregations. I can tell you both are going to be good parents. If you ever need someone to babysit, Ian and I are your guys."

Ben nodded. " I might take you up on that if Kara's ok with it."

"Can I buy you a beer?" Ian offered.

Ben raised up his eyebrow. "Are you hitting on me?" He asked as that was the line mentioned that in Sophia's vows when Holly came up to her.

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