Chapter Twenty-One- H&S Wedding Part One

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It was the day of Holly and Sophia's wedding. Holly had ubered her way back early in the morning to get some more sleep before she and Kara had to be at the church. She and Sophia tired to not run into each other or even look at each other when they got up. They wanted to keep it traditional. They ate breakfast in different rooms and showered in different bathrooms.

Sophia and her wedding party went in their limo first to the church around 11 am. Soon it was Holly and Kara's turn to go in their car. Since it was Holly's day, Kara offered to drive them. They got their dresses and make up and put it in the bags in the back seat and hung the dresses on the hook on the car and got in the car and drove to the church. Kara put on some wedding day music. "Soo..." Kara began. "Nervous?"

Holly was surprisingly claim today looked back at Kara, "Nope. I am good. I'm marrying the girl of my dreams and I got the one night stand out of my system."

Kara raised an eyebrow at Holly. "Are you sure Sophia was ok with that? I mean, I don't think I could do it. I just wanted to be with my man last night."

Holly sucked in her breath, she understood what her friend meant, and all the while meaning was almost crossing a line here. It was really hers and Sophia's business. She didn't have a right to interfere. She never but in on her and Gerald even when he cheated long before he was caught. "Yes. She said it was fine and wanted me to get it out of my system. Never today on Sophia is the only person I want to sleep with, ok." She said sharply.

Kara nodded her head, not saying anymore. This was Holly's day and Holly has done so much for her, she could do this one thing and support her without judgement. "Ok." She confirmed, dropping the subject all together. "I can't wait for today."

Holly smiled as this is the best day of her life so far. "Me too."

They drove for some more time and finally got to the crunch. They saw Sophia's limo, parked next to them, and grabbed their makeup bag and shoes along with their dress, and went into the back entrance away from her and her wedding parties dressing room. Holly and Kara got into theirs and started to set up. They hung the dresses up and went to work on their hair. Putting curlers in and letting them set. It was old fashioned, but that was the look that they were going for.

They soon started on their make-up. They were going bold. Holly wanted to wear deep purple eye shadow and light blush with red lipstick. And Kara was doing her usual make up but wanted to wear red lipstick.

They got that part done in 20 minutes. Kara turned to Holly and asked, "Are you nervous?"

"No, I'm not. I'm still trilled."

"You sure you still want to do this?"

"More than ever."

"You sure?"

"Kara. Are you asking for me as my maid of honor or for you?"

"As your maid of honor. I'm just trying to get you down that aisle."

"Are you sure?" Holly raised as eye brow.


Holly contented to stare at Kara who gave defeated. "Just tell me one thing. How was it last night with that stripper?"

Holly was shocked and appalled "Kara! What's wrong with you?!"

"Sorry. I'm just to racked with hormones that I get curious. The other day I had a sex dream with Ben and this costumer that I have become friends with. His name is Charlie and even though he's gay, I kind of like him. At least I think I do."

Holly was surprised by this. She really thought that Kara was really with Ben and loved him. She shook her head. "It's just a dream, Kar. We all have them. I had one with Elizabeth Olson and Scarlett Johansson once and it didn't mean anything. Outside of last night, I want to be with Sophia only and you want to be with Ben. Charlie is as you said gay. It wouldn't happen even if you were single and not pregnant."

Kara smiled feeling that even when it was her day, Holly could always find time to comfort her. She didn't think she felt a certain away about Charlie till now, but it was her cross to bear and she will deal with it later. "You're right. What was I thinking? I love Ben." She smiled. "I still can't believe I'm having Twins."

Holly smiled back at her and gave her a hug. "Me too." The hugged for a while before letting go. They let the curlers out and soon put on their dresses. They waited till it was time to go out. A little bit after three, Sophia's bridesmaids went first followed by Kara. She smiled when she saw Ben on Holly's side of the pu. And as she walked forward, the smile had turned into a frown when she saw Brooke and sitting next to her was Charlie. Charlie was with Brooke. How'd they know each other?

Kara made it to where she was supposed to stand at the alter for Holly. Sophia walked down the aisle, then came Holly. Who smiled at Ben, as well. They still hadn't officially meet yet but hopefully that would change after the ceremony. She walked further up and also noticed Brooke. She tired to hide her annoyance. She got to Kara and whispered in her ear. "What is she doing here?"

A/N: I hoped you liked this chapter. More to come in part two, next week. Have a wonder Sunday-Dreamcast45

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