Chapter Thirty-YMBF, P2: Reception

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Warning: Smut near the end. But It's their wedding night, so can you blame me?

"Please welcome for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Jones." The Lead singer of the Queen cover band announced as Kara and Ben entered the reception hall. Ben had some lipstick from their make out session. Of course, they stopped as they wanted to make tonight special and oh what a night Ben had planned for them.

They joined their friends at their table as the meal was being served. Chatted for a while and ate. During the meal, Rami stood up clicked his champagne glass with a spoon. "Excuse me everyone may I have your attention please. I am honored when Ben asked me to be his best man. I have known him for a few years now. Met him on a little known film.. You might've heard about it. It was called Bohemian Rhapsody." He joked and smirked as everyone laughed. "And it's also where I met the lovely Kara and my beautiful fiancé, Lucy."

He smiled at her before continuing. "Now, I have a story about the first time Ben saw Kara. He had gotten out of his trailer when we were shooting lived aid and she was off in the side of the stage reading a history book about Ancient Greece and He walked over and asked me, Joe and Gwiylm who she was. And should he try and talk to her? We tried to tell him no. He tired to chat her up and found out she was one our producer's girlfriend. But with time, they became friends and one night, after she and Gerald had broken up, I had an evil plan to set these two up without them noticing. And here we are. My plan worked as I knew she liked you all also. You two are perfect together. May you two have a long and happy life together. And may your first two children be misused children." He lifted up his glass then took a sip and everyone else followed.

Then it was Holly's turn with Lucy. "Well, I just wanted to say that I love you Kara. And I couldn't be happier to be here with you today. We've been best friends since college, and you helped me out by hiring me at the Jewelry store. Just the fact that you trust me with your business is one of the greatest gifts you have given me. You were my Maid of honor at my wedding and now I'm doing it for you. I can't wait to meet those babies." She lifted her glass and everyone else drank to.

The lead singer took his mic and smiled. "Now let's have the bride and groom have their first dance." The band started to play the song Kara and Ben requested for their first dance. Ben took Kara's hand in one hand and placed his other on the small of her back after they made their way out to the dance floor. They are gazing into each other's eyes as the song they had chosen for their first dance started playing. It was Queen's song that John Deacon wrote for his wife Victoria, You're My Best Friend. It just almost seemed to describe their relationship. Especially the way he felt about Kara.

They swayed to the music and Ben Spun her around before she came back in his arms. They invited everyone out who was in a couple to dance. Rami and Lucy danced along with Holly and Sophia. Charlie and Ian shortly joined then Joe and Gwilym started to playfully join everyone cause why not. "I love you." Ben said to Kara.

Kara looked into his Green eyes, "I love you, too. I was scared we weren't going to make it threw the ceremony. That one of us was going to chicken out."

"Us? No... we've waited so long that we couldn't not go through with it."

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