Chapter twenty-nine- YMBF- Wedding, P1

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The big day was finally here. The day everyone one had been wedding for. The wedding of Benjamin Hardy and Kara Lacy Roberts. You could say that this seems awfully fast as they hadn't even been together for year. Just a couple months shy. And, that they were only getting married because Kara was pregnant, but that is why she turned him down when he proposed the first time. She wanted it to be from his heart. Not out of desperation that they "messed up" for a lack of a better term.

No, they wanted to get married because it's what they wanted to do. They loved each other more and the same as most other couples. Ben had been her angel and helped her out so much. She had a stillness with him she never had with Gerald. With him it was almost as if he didn't care that she was around. He never checked in with her when he was away at his job filming or looking for projects to get made. She had learned to live like that and accept it as her life.

With Ben, he was away a lot but never as lonely. He checked in with her and she was his priority when he got home. He lived to come home to her. He knew that if he ever had the chance to be with her, he would treat her like the Queen she is. She was lovely and he adored her so much.

An hour before the wedding and he was in the grooms dressing room with his suit on. He was putting on his tie and he combed his hair and straightened his bow tie. "Do I look ok?" He said to Rami, his best man. He was happy to be marrying the love of his life, but he was really nervous for today and feeling like something bad could happen. He didn't know what but something.

Rami also getting into his suit and tie, looked over to Ben who was looking sharp. "You look fine. Kara's gonna love you in this tux. She may even mall you after the vows and you'll be late for the reception." He winked and straighten Ben's bow tie and then tying his own tie.

Ben rolled his eyes. "You know you sound really perverted."

"Sorry, I'm just so excited for you and I wanted to ease your nerves. Did it work?"

"It did, actually. Thank you. We wouldn't be here if it weren't for you and Lucy"

"You're welcome. I just knew you wouldn't have asked her out otherwise."

Ben looked shocked when Rami said that. "Hey, you don't know that. Maybe I just wanted to give her time after she left Gerald."

"Would you really have?" Rami raised an eyebrow to Ben.

"I don't know, maybe." Ben says unsure. Rami stares at him. "Okay, maybe not." The men both laugh and Gwilym and Joe walk in their tuxes. "Who wants a swag before the ceremony?" Asks Gwil, showing the bottle to Ben's eye level.

"None for me. I'll wait till after the vows. If Kara can't drink right now, neither should I."

"Suit yourself." Gwil took a shot and offered it to Joe who took one, too.

Ben sighed. "Okay just one." He took a big swag and then just drank water till the ceremony started.

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