Chapter Twenty-Bachelorette party

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A/N: So I got mixed up and thought I had the Wedding to post next, but the chapter is the Bachelorette Party, then an Instagram post, followed by the Wedding which is in three parts liked I said. Sorry for the mix up; it won't happen again Also is Kara seems a bit off, it's pregnancy hormones. Hope you like this chapter, though. 

It was the night of the bachelorette party. Kara had drove them to a club. A strip club to be exact. Not normally Holly's thing, but Sophia had encouraged her to get anything she wanted to with another woman out of her system. If that meant getting a lap dance, great. If she wanted to kiss another woman, it's fine. If she wanted to do more than kiss another woman, that's fine, too. She just didn't want to hear about it later. This was her free pass.

They got into the club that was mostly filled with men. No surprise there. But they were surprised to see two gorgeous women walking in. A couple guys, one of them Latino and the other one black smiled to them as Holly and Kara had sat down by them near the stage. They smiled back to be polite to the men. "Hi." Said the Latino one to Holly.

"Hi." She said politely back to the man. This wasn't the come on she was hoping for, but the night is still young.

"What brings you ladies here tonight?" Asked 

Holly smiled, "Well, I'm here for my bachelorette party with my maid of honor here." She pointed to Kara, who smiled at him, while his dark-haired friend made his way over to her.

"Hi there." The guy said, as he sat down next to her. 

"Hi. I have a boyfriend. And I'm pregnant."

The guy looked shocked. He could kind of see it, but didn't want to be rude just in case she wasn't. "Right. I'm sorry. Congratulations." He walked back to his original seat, thinking he didn't want any of that.

The first guy turned back to Holly. "So, who's the lucky guy?"

"Woman." Holly corrected. "Her names is Sophia and we've been together since college for three years now." Holly smiled.

"Well, that's lovely. I'm happy for you. I'm Jared, by the way." He held out his hand to shake.

Holly put in her hand, "Holly." She shook his hand and they let go after a few shakes.

"Nice to meet you, Holly. Can I buy you a dance as a wedding gift?"

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