Chapter nine- Telling Ben the News

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It was late at night and Ben had just gotten out of the uber right outside he and Kara's home. It had been several weeks since they last saw each other. The filming was way beyond schedule, so he got some time off. He hated being away from her for this long, so any chance he got a break from filming, he would come home to see her or get her to go to Ireland.

He wanted to do that again, but instead, he wanted to surprise her and be home with her for a bit. He hoped she finally found a new location for her Jewelry store, as he knew she wasn't a home body and would be bored only staying in the house, taking care of Frankie.

He threw his bag over he grabbed his bag, paid the uber driver, got out and walked towards the front door. He smiled at the thought of seeing her again. Kissing her, cuddling her, and having her in his arms again was giving me a warm feeling. He took the key out of his pocket and went in, closing the door behind him.

Kara was just about to go to sleep. She had brushed and flossed her teeth and was now brushing her hair in front of her bathroom when she heard the front door open. It must be Ben. She wasn't expecting to see him but super happy. However, she didn't want to run up to him with the pregnancy and all. Kara stayed and waited for him to come over. "Kara?" Ben called up. "Are you home?"

"In the bedroom." She said suggestively to him. He smirked and walked in, seeing Kara in a Berry colored nightly, brushing her hair. Might as well wear one while her stomach was still flat and her boobs and hips were still the same size. Ben looked at her in lust. She looked so sexy in that nighty. "Hey baby. How you been?" He walked over to kiss her.

"Good." She said, kissing him back. She stopped brushing her hair. "I have something to tell you." She took his hand and they sat down on the bed. She took a deep breath just like she did with Lucy. "Ben... I'm pregnant."

He looked at her in shock, outdoing the one Lucy gave her when she told her.

"Are you sure?" He asked not knowing what else to say.

Kara nodded. "I've been sick since Ireland and I took two tests then I went to the Doctors and yeah... I'm pregnant."

Ben was still speechless. He really didn't know what to do or say. It was sudden. Not something they planned on this early in the relationship. He loved her, but what to do. Kara looked at him. "Ben, are you okay?"

Ben looked at her and shook his head. "I" He stood up and Paced a bit. "So, this happened in Ireland?"

Kara nodded her head. "Look if it's too much, I don't have to go through with it." She lowered her head, not meaning it. She knew if she were to ever get pregnant, she would take care of it. It was her baby.

"Is that something you want?" Ben asked looking at her again. He didn't want that. If he ever had a kid, it was his baby, too, but he respected Kara's wishes.

Kara looked back at him. "No. I want this baby and I want us to be a family."

Ben nodded, snapping out of shock, "Of course. It's what I want to. I see how you are with Frankie. I don't doubt it'll be the same way with our baby." He sat back down. "I'm sorry I just got in my own head there.  I love you." He looked back at her, reaching his hand up to brush her cheek.

Kara looked at him in understanding and missing his touch. "It's ok. I felt the same way when I felt when I found out. I just don't know how were going to do it, but it's you and me, so, I have no doubt this will work." She said, surprised at how confident she was about this. This was a dream that was coming true.

Ben smiled. Hearing her feel good about this, made him feel good about this. "I love you, so much. When I said I wanted to be with you forever in Hawaii, I meant that. Will you marry me?"

Now Kara was in shock. Was he serious? She knew he loved her, but marriage? Was this only because she was pregnant? Yes, they wanted to be with each other forever and were committed, but marriage? This soon? She really needed to think about it. "I don't know. I mean, I love you don't get me wrong, but I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. I'm not saying no... just not right now."

Ben nodded. He got it with the way Gerald had ambushed her with one just to get her back, and now him doing while she was pregnant, it was too much for her for now. He had been planning to propose for a while and almost did it in Ireland, but that was too soon as well. "Well... why don't we get engaged to be engaged. We won't be planning anything just yet, but just know that I'm going to marry you some day Kara Elizabeth Roberts." He said countering his request.

Kara took in all he said. Never in her life had she ever heard or seen a man accept a no in a proposal with such class. Ben was one of a kind, which also made her wish she had said yes but didn't want to go against herself just for him. It's one of the things Ben loved about her was her independence, but also that she had room for him and loved him like she did. "I love you so much. I'm so glad I'm having your baby." She kissed him. He kissed her back and it went passionate. He started to strip off his cloths down to his boxers. He got on top of her and they made out for a while. She ran her fingers through his hair. She hoped that their kid would have his blond hair and his eyes, but time will tell on this. They went to sleep with her in his arms. They always slept better when they were next to each other.

Thanks for the over 100 views. It's not much, I know, but I'm glad that people are reading this and hopefully enjoying it. -Erin

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