Chapter Thirty-two- Honeymoon in Paris: Part 2: Labor day

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"Come on Kara. Push!" Said the doctor as she was having a hard time. The Babies were coming a month early and she didn't want to be giving birth right now. She was worried that something might happen to the babies was her whole thought process right now.

However, going into the hospital 14 hours ago, her water had just broke and she had been waiting for a long time now for the babies to be born. The first one or ones in this case always took the longest. Kara was in pain but trying to make it through. These were her babies after all. 

She could do it. She kept telling herself, it's for the babies and she won't remember this later on if she and Ben ever planned to have more kids with Ben.

Ben had been a saint through out the delivery. He always made sure she was cared for and feed her ice chips and put a cool cloth on her forehead when she felt too hot. Now he was holding her hand while Kara was trying to push. She gripped it tight to ease the pain. Ben could take it and The drugs they gave her were really helping out.

Kara wised and groaned and pushed. She almost pushed to hard and then remembered to scale back and breathe. She could do this. She could do this.

"Come on, Kara." Ben encouraged and Soon one of the babies was slowly coming out.

"First babies head is crowning." Said Dr. Tobin and then once the head showed up, the rest came out. Dr. Tobin got the baby and smiled. "It's a boy!"

Kara and Ben both smiled and Kara tired not to look at the boy too hard. Dr. Tobin gave him to a nurse who had Ben cut the chord and then they went and cleaned off Miles. "Ok, Kara let's go again."

Kara nodded and pushed and pushed for Daphine. After 6 min, she came out and Ben also cut the chord and they cleaned her off, too. They wrapped up the twins in blankets and handed them both to Kara as she took them in her arms and smiled and admired them both.

Ben stood near her and softly rubbed their heads, smiling. "You did it, Babe!" He said. "They're beautiful."

Kara smiled back to him. "Would you like to hold one of them?"

"Yeah." He answered as he took his son and then after a while they switched. Ben admired his daughter a little bit and then Ben's Mum came in with a stuffed bear and his Dad came in with a balloons. "Where's my grandson and granddaughter?" Ben's Mum asked.

Kara and Ben both smiled to them and his parents held out their arms to hold them. His Mum taking Miles and his Dad taking Daphine. "Hello, little angel." Said Ben's Dad. "What's their name?"

"Daphine." Kara answered. "Daphine Kara Jones." She smiled.

"And this one?" Ben's Mum asked.

"Miles Jacob Jones." Ben answered and looked at Kara to see if she agreed.

Kara smiled bigger. "Yes. That's his name." She agreed and the parents and Kara and Ben smiled just went on to admire them. As small as they were, they were healthy, living breathing infants who were going to be well and good human beings if Ben and Kara had anything to say about it.

The rest of the day was spent with People popping in. First it was Lucy and Rami, then Gwilym and Joe, and Charlie and Ian. Holly came in when it was Kara's last day of recovery and helped her home and played nurse maid. Kara realized once again how lucky she was. She didn't think over a year ago this is how her life would be. It was better.

A/N: Whelp, this is the last chapter of this book. I hope you all enjoyed it. I'll write an authors note later in the week. Thanking you all for reading and will contain a surprise for you all. 


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