Chapter Twenty-Two- H&S Wedding Part Two

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"What is she doing here?" Holly whispered to Kara off to the side. Kara shook her head. "I don't know." She thought that Brooke knew she was band from the wedding. Was this what she meant when this wasn't over? Kara didn't take her seriously. Thought it was an empty treat. She thought Brooke might get even with Kara later but not here at the wedding.

It was Kara that Brooke hated not Holly. Brooke loved Holly and was always sucking up to her, waiting for Holly to brake up with Sophia but that never happened. What was her plan here? Kara's skin pricked at what Brooke was going to do.

"Dearly beloved..." The Pastor began. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the joining of Sophia Lauren Meyer and Holly Marie Garcia. These two are lovely generous people who show us how much they value and carious each other. They give their love freely and without any doubts. How we could be more like them everyday to our loved ones." The Pastor smiled at them.

"Ha!" Came from the pews that interrupted the pastor before he could continue. Everyone turned to looked around. Charlie looked at Brooke and then suddenly everyone else did studded.

"What was that, Dear?" He asked Brooke who got out of the seat. "I said, Ha! Those two are only together because Holly's maid of Honor dumped her back in college. She hooked up with me and because I wasn't sure if I wanted a commitment at the time, she found Sophia as a last resort." Sophia glared at her then to Holly. Holly looked shocked. Sure, Brooke was a bitch, but she never thought she would pull this crap.

Brooke walked over to the alter towards Holly. "But I am now if you want to."

Holly looked studded and Sophia looked like she was on the verge of crying. Who makes a bride cry on her wedding day? Kara stepped in the middle of Brooke and Holly, shadling Holly. "I think you should go now. Holly doesn't love you she loves Sophia. I see it everyday that I see them. Sorry, but you missed your chance. I know that sometimes in life you only get one and you don't want to screw it up." She looked at Ben then Charlie for a brief second before turning her attention back to Brooke.

Brooke took everything that Kara said. As much as she hated her and was jealous of her friendship with Holly, she had to admit that she had a point. She will probably always love Holly, but it was time to let her go. "Okay." She said wimping a tear from her eye. "I hope you both have a nice life. Please take care of one another." She nodded her head and walked back over to Charlie. "Enjoy the wedding and dinner. Text me when you want me to pick you up." She kissed his cheek and walked out of the church.

Holly turned back to Sophia. "I'm sorry. I didn't know she was going to be here."

Sophia nodded, knowing that Brooke was always a loose cannon and was always around Holly and kind of close. "It's fine. I just want to marry you and I don't care about the past. Let us move forward and focus on the future."

Holly shed a tear from her eye and gave a half-moon smile. "Yes. Let us do that." She said agreeing with her. She had never seen Sophia so forgiving of Holly before but she liked this side of her. She knew now why she wasn't nervous. She was marrying the one.

The Pastor nodded and continued. "Sophia. Would you like to say a few words?"

Sophia nodded. "Holly when I first saw you, I thought... who's that sexy raven-haired girl with this amazing body, energy and smile. I have to meet her, but would she want to meet me? I had only realized that I was Gay like that week and I just couldn't take rejection at that moment. But a few weeks later at a party, you came up to me and offered to buy me a beer at the keg and I said ok, because then I realized that you were human and that you were also funny and that I could have a shot with someone like you and never had to look back since. I love you. With everything I am. I love you." She gestured her maid of honor and she handed Sophia the ring and she put it on Holly's ring finger.

Everyone was crying now Kara looked to Ben as it was how she felt about him too. She knew now she wanted to marry him. Not because she was pregnant, but because of everything he was to her. She had always loved him but now she that this was it.

The Pastor turned to Holly. "Holly."

Kara handed Holly Sophia's ring. "Sophia. My darling Sophia. You are the love of my life. Despite what happened moments ago, I love you and only you. You are forgiving as you are beautiful. I don't know what I'd do without you. You're sweet and loving and your good at everything." She winked. "I'm so honored and delighted you choose me to marry you. I love you, too with everything I am." She put the ring on her finger, and they smiled and held hands.

The pastor cleared his throat. "By the power vested in me. By the state of Cailfornia... I pronounce you married! You may now kiss each other."

Holly and Sophia smiled and leaned in and kissed each other. Everyone cheered and they both ran hand in hand down the aisle and everyone followed them. Kara and the brides maids threw flower pedals over them. The couple kissed again. Holly, Sophia and the wedding party go off to take pictures elsewhere. Ben, Charlie and the other wedding guests drive off to the reception.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter as much as I loved writing it! -Dreamcast45

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