Chapter eight- A visit from Lucy

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Just another day at work. Kara was working through her first week at the new shop location. Today, Kara wasn't as sick as she usually was. She was able to eat a good breakfast and was also, able to eat lunch. And since there were no customers, she decided to take an early day.

Text: Hey darling. Long time, no see. I'm back in London. Are you busy right now?

Kara texted back: Just about to step out for a bite. Want to join me?

Lucy: Sure. Want to meet at Sushi Tetsu?

Kara: Can't do Sushi. What about the Lounge Café?

Lucy: Lounge Café sounds good. Meet you there in 30?

Kara: See you then.

Kara locked up the store and walked towards the tube and waited for it to slow down. She got on it and headed towards the lounge Café. She got up off the stop.

She was early, so she just went in and sat down. The waitress came up. "Anything to drink, Miss?"

Kara looked up at her. "Just water. Waiting for a friend." The waitress nodded and smiled and went to go get Kara her water. Soon Lucy arrived wearing a nice summer dress like she always wore. It didn't matter; it suited her well. Kara stood up to great her friend. "Oh, it has been too long." She said in the hug.

Lucy hugged her back, "It has. You're my maid of honor. How can this be?" She asked, embracing Kara with her hands on her elbows, looking Kara in her pretty brown eyes.

Kara gestured them to sit. "Well, you and Rami are both busy so there's no wedding to plan just let."

"I know, but I miss you." Lucy pounted.

Kara smiled, "I do it. It's why I'm here."

The waitress came over to the table with Kara's water. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Red Wine, please."

"Okay. Really to order?"

"umm... I'll have the mashed salmon on avocado toast." Lucy ordered.

The waitress turned to Kara. "I'll have the salmon salad. The salmon is finally cooked, right?" Kara asked, as she knew she couldn't have any raw fish, shellfish booze, or soft cheeses.

"Yes, it is." The waitress confirmed, smiled and went to go place their order.

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