Chapter Seven- Trying to get a space

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Four weeks later-----------------------

Nothing felt right. It was either too crowded of a neighborhood for it. Sometimes it seemed like she was getting the space, some person who was going Back in London a few weeks later, Kara was trying to find locations for her new Jewelry store to opening up another Starbucks or fish and chip shop totally priced Kara out of the running. She was just about to give up, when a get spot became available. It was four blocks away from her and Ben's place. She was planning on stopping by later that day to have a meeting with the landowner later that afternoon. She couldn't wait.

Around 3pm, she was just getting ready to leave, when she started feeling sick. She had been throwing up all morning, and hoped it had past and maybe it was just her breakfast that was making her feel sick. But here she was again, going at it. It stopped after 20 minutes. She brushed, flossed and strayed herself with Vanilla perfume and ran out the door with her bag.

She managed to make it to the place 10 minutes till 4. The landowner greeted her and showed her around. It was a tiny space. A bit smaller than the place in Los Angeles, but she could work with this. "Do you like it?" The landowner asked.

Kara smiled, "I love it."

"It's yours. I'll drawl up the papers and I'll take the first months rent if you have it." Kara nodded and she pulled out her checkbook and wrote out the check and handed it to him, she then started to feel sick again. "Excuse me." She ran out the room and into the Starbucks next door towards the bathroom. She cleaned herself up and walked back to the store. "Sorry about that. Is there anything I need to sign?"

The landowner looked at her, "Feeling ok? You sure your ready for this deal?"

"Yes, just a bit under the weather."

The Landowner looked at her with sympathy. "I've seen some of your designs online and I know this is your passion. Why don't you postdate this check and give it to me when you're feeling better. Don't worry it's yours."

Kara shook her head, "No. I'm ready to open up my store here. I'm going crazy staying home all the time. I need this."

The Landowner was impressed and loved her determination. "Okay, dear. You got It." He handed her the papers to sign and She was in business. She took the rest of the day to herself. She bought pregnancy test on the way home, just to be sure.


When she got home, she drank lots of water and took two tests. Both came up positive. "This can't be happening." She thought to herself, getting sick again.

A few days later, she made a doctor's appointment after she finished setting up the store. "Hi. I'd like to make an appointment for tomorrow.... 3pm is fine, thank you."Kara dragged herself to the doctor's after getting off the tube in the afternoon. With no food and barely enough water to curry herself on, it was a struggle to get there, but she did. She got to the clinic and signed in. She waited her turn and was called in. She waited in the room for 10 min before a doctor came in. "Hello. I'm Doctor Tobin. How are you today?"

Kara looked at the doctor, "Pregnant." She said as she couldn't believe the words to be true. If they were true. Pregnancy tests were only 99 percent true, so there was still an chance it wasn't true.

Dr. Tobin looked at the young brunette woman sitting on the patient bed in front of her. "Do you know for sure, or you just think you are?"

"I took two different at home tests and both say I am. Plus, my period is two weeks late..."

Dr. Tobin nodded, "Well, we can have you take another one here and find out." She went into a drawer near by and pulled out a sample cup. Kara went to the bathroom near by and peed. She was told to drop it off at the nurse's lab and she waited in the room.

An hour later the doctor came back, "Well... Ms. Roberts. It appears that you are defiantly pregnant. Cong rations." Kara was in a daze hearing that. It's not that she didn't want kids, she did. Especially with Ben, but not like this. It was too soon and she wasn't sure how he would react. Even though it was due to other things, he didn't handle it well that she wanted to move to London, how was he going to handle this? How was she going to tell him? More importantly, how would they handle this? Could she be a good mother? She was just starting at a new location.

"Are you ok?" Dr. Tobin asked.

Kara looked up at her after a minute. "No. But I will be once I decide what I'm doing?"

"There are always options. Adoption and you can decide to terminate it."

"I didn't mean that. I just mean about telling my boyfriend."

"Always good to do it when he's had a few pints. It's how I broke the news to me Husband about our daughter."

Kara nodded, feeling a bit better, not by much. "Thank you, Dr Tobin. I think I'll be seeing you soon for a checkup." She grinned.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Feel free to vote and comment if you like. It really helps me out a lot.

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