Chapter eleven- A Sudden Date Night

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It was still early when Kara and Ben left the doctors. They rode the elevator looking at the sonogram some more. Armoring the little peanut for what it was and knowing that they would do whatever it takes to keep it safe and have nothing to happen. Kara put it away after a bit and put the envelope in her purse.

"It's still early, want to see a movie?" She suggested to Ben, flipping her hair out of her eyes.

"Sounds amazing." He said to Kara. They walked off the elevator when they hit the floor Ben's car was parked on. He opened the door for her, and they drove to the movies. They arrived there 15 min later, got out and looked at the cinema section. "So, what are you in the mood for?" He asked Kara was his arm around her.

Kara look at the section herself and thought about it. Downton Abby? She hadn't watched the series, so no. The Judy Garland bio pic? Better wait for it to be on Netflix. The Joker. OOO tricky. Now that she was pregnant, might be a bad idea to show it to the baby. "I want to see the Joker movie, but with the baby and all, I don't know if it's appropriate."

Ben whispered in her ear. "The baby is barely formed. They don't know what's going on. But if you're really concerned, we don't have to watch the movie, if you know what I mean." He raised his eyebrows.

Kara smirked, know what he meant. They were both adults, but what the hell. Maybe the last time they could go out like this and be careless. "Sit in the backrow?"

"Of course." Ben said in sexy response. Finally, it was their turn. "Two tickets to see the Joker." He took out his wallet and paid for the tickets. "Want to get something from the snack bar?"

Kara nodded. "Popcorn?"

"Sounds good." They got their tickets ripped, keeping the stubs, stood in line and waited for that too. When it was their turn, Ben ordered them a large popcorn, a coke for himself and a lemonade for Kara, as she liked that over soda. They went into the theater. Got a pair of seats that where independent from any of the rows of seats. Kara took a bite of popcorn. They waited for the theater to go dark before putting the popcorn next to them. They would eat it later.

Kara and Ben looked at each other before their lips pressed together. Kara then put her hands lightly on the back of his neck and he wrapped his arms around her embracing her, holding her close. They kissed passionately threw out the whole movie. His right hand slipping underneath her skirt and he put one finger inside her feeling around her walls. She moaned in his mouth. Not since she was a teenager, has she made out in a cinema. She never did it with Gerald, let alone get treated to this. He moved his finger to her clit, then adding another, rubbing in circles. She silently moaned, as to not disturb the other movie goers. He started to rub that spot of hers he always found so easily. "So close." She whispered as he rubbed harder.

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