Forgetfulness Out In The Cold

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Forgetfulness: *outside in the cold*

Andrea: Forgetfulness, get back inside! It's 31 degrees!

Forgetfulness: I'm fine!

Andrea: I said, get back inside! You gotta be out of your cotton picking mind, to be out in this cold weather! You want to get the flu?

Forgetfulness: No.

Andrea: I already got my flu shot, and you should get one!

Forgetfulness: I don't like needles!

Andrea: Quit being such a wuss! Stop making stupid choices! Had you been out there, longer, you could have gotten frostbite!

Forgetfulness: Okay, sorry.

Andrea: Just shut up, and warm yourself up, by the fireplace. I'm gonna make myself some hot chocolate.

Forgetfulness: Can I have some?

Andrea: No!

Forgetfulness: Okay, I understand. *warms up by the fireplace*

This story was written on Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019.

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