Superman Is Being Silly

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Superman: *imitating an airplane*

Lois: Superman, can you stop that?

Superman: Stop what?

Lois: Being silly. You're making airplane noises.

Superman: I'm just having some fun!  *continues making airplane noises*

violaplayer2004: What's going on here?

Lois: Superman's being silly.

violaplayer2004: Superman, don't be silly, come on now.

Superman: Sorry.

Lois: I swear, you act so immature! Act like a superhero!

Superman: *making airplane noises again*

violaplayer2004: Do you want a time out, Superman?

Superman: No.

violaplayer2004: Then, stop being silly! Cut it out!

Superman: Okay, I'll stop!

violaplayer2004: Thank you.

This story was written on Tuesday, December 10th, 2019.

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