You Gonna Buy Something Or Get Out?

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Writer's Block: *at the Sunoco A Plus Mini Mart looking around* I should probably get Cooler Ranch Doritos.

Mini Mart Clerk: He's been here for like 20 minutes.

Writer's Block: Maybe, I should get some Pringles.

Mini Mart Clerk: Hey, you!

Writer's Block: Me?

Mini Mart Clerk: Yeah, you! You gonna buy something, or what? You been here for 20 minutes, now! Either buy something, or get out!

Writer's Block: Okay, I'll get these Cooler Ranch Doritos.

Mini Mart Clerk: *smokes his cigarette* $2.81.

Writer's Block: *pays* You shouldn't be smoking, sir. Don't you know that smoking causes lung cancer?

Mini Mart Clerk: *blows smoke in WB's face, making him cough*

Writer's Block: *coughing* What the heck? What was that for?

Mini Mart Clerk: You need to mind your own business, boy!

Writer's Block: You're lucky, I don't have asthma! I would have sued you!

Mini Mart Clerk: Eh, shut up, and get lost!

Writer's: Alright, I will! *leaves the mini mart with his Doritos*

This story was written on Tuesday, December 24th, 2019. (Christmas Eve)

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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