Guys Having A Party

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Me: I got the sodas!

The-Man-with-No-Name: I got the chips and dip!

jgblodgett26: The pizzas should be here any minute!

SU1C1D4L: About time, I'm starving!

1SunflowerFeelings1: Coming from Dominos! I ordered the cheesy bread!

JoeyJackswoods33: The pizza man is here!

xjarutox: I got this, guys! *opens the door and pays for the pizzas and cheesy bread*

Dominos Pizza Man: Enjoy! *leaves*

stormbro111: *gets some pepperoni pizza*

Me: *gets some bacon pizza*

The-Man-with-No-Name: *gets some extra cheese pizza*

jgblodgett26: *gets some sausage pizza*

Kevin: *gets some cheese pizza*

SU1C1D4L: *gets some supreme pizza* Hunger, begone! *eats his pizza*

Kevin Hart: Hey, folks!


Kevin Hart: *looks around*

The-Man-with-No-Name: Everything okay, Mr. Hart? *drinking his soda*

Kevin Hart: Just making sure, there aren't any ladies! Don't want to see them faint.

jgblodgett26: Nope, you're good! Help yourself to some pizza, my good man! *drinks his Coke*

Kevin Hart: Phew! *gets some pepperoni pizza*

Shawn: There is a Christmas dance, this Friday! Anyone interested in going? *eating his pizza*

Me: Sure!

The-Man-with-No-Name: Why not?

jgblodgett26: Sounds great! What time is the dance?

Shawn: 6 pm. Lasts until 9:30.

jgblodgett26: Alright!

This story was written on Sunday, December 8th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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