Nasty Girl

18 4 22

Plainville, Connecticut


Me: *eating a bacon cheeseburger*

Melody: *burps and then smiles at me*

Me: *not amused by her unladylike behavior*

Melody: *passes gas and laughs*

Me: *feeling grossed out* I think I lost my appetite.

Melody: *burps again* Burpies! *laughs*

Me: Can you please stop?

Melody: *burps again and smiles at me*

Me: I have to go. *leaves the table*

This story was written on Sunday, December 22nd, 2019.

A/N This is actually based on a true story. My friend keeps burping and passing gas, and she thinks the whole thing is amusing. I'm grossed out by the whole thing. This has been going on for a while now. She smiles at me, everytime she does it.

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