Writer's Block Gets Food From Wendy's

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Writer's Block: *at Wendys* I'll have 10 piece chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce, and a large strawberry milkshake.

Time skip.....

Writer's Block: *about to eat his food*

gmwells: Ooh, you got Wendy's!

Writer's Block: Yeah.

SakuraThePanzerOtaku: You think I can have just one chicken nugget, WB?

Writer's Block: No.

SakuraThePanzerOtaku: *takes one anyway and eats it* Thanks, WB!

Writer's Block: I said, you couldn't have one!

violaplayer2004: *takes a chicken nugget and his BBQ sauce and eats it* Thanks, WB!

Writer's Block: Stop it!

gmwells: *takes a chicken nugget and eats it* Thanks, WB!

Writer's Block: Stop it! *whining like a little kid*

Me: *takes a chicken nugget and eats it* Thanks, WB!

Writer's Block: You're eating my food! *still whining like a little kid*

arikay12: *drinks his milkshake* Thanks, WB!

Writer's Block: Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! *still whining like a little kid*

Natasha: Cut that out! You're acting like you're 5 years old! Grow up! *eats the rest of the nuggets* Thanks, WB!

Writer's Block: I HATE YOU GUYS!!!!!! *storms up to his room and slams the door*

gmwells: *scoffs* Such a drama queen!

This story was written on Thursday, December 26th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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