Buzz Off!

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Snake Creek, Montana

Pam was going camping in the Montana wilderness. It was overcast, and rain was expected later. She had all the proper camping equipment; first aid kit, water, bug repellent, and a tent, to keep her dry from the rain. The sound of a wolf was heard, 20 miles away. "At least, I have the whole campsite, to myself!" chuckled Pam. "Nothing but peace and quiet!"

"Hoy!" yelled a girl.

"What the heck?" stammered Pam. "Who are you, and what are you doing on this campsite?"

"Allow me to introduce myself! I'm Clarissa!" She was doing some cartwheels, her blonde pigtails, bouncing around.

"Are you here to camp, or just to annoy me?" asked Pam.

"You didn't tell me your name!"

"Why should I?"

"I just want to make a friend!"

"Fine, my name is Pam. Can you please leave?"

"Heck no!" laughed Clarissa. "I'm here to have some fun!"

"I don't think so!" said Pam. "Get lost, Clarissa!"

Clarissa saw some food, that Pam brought along. "Ooh, a turkey and cheese sandwich!" She snatched it away, and started to take a bite out of it.

"That was my lunch, Clarissa!" barked Pam.

"It's my lunch, now!" said Clarissa, her mouth full. "What a great sandwich! Thanks, Pam!"

"Will you please leave me alone?" said Pam, through gritted teeth. "You're ruining my camping excursion!"

"The fun is just getting started, baby!" giggled Clarissa. "You wouldn't happen to have any honey, would you?"

"No, now get out of here!"

"That's good, because there are a lot of bears here in Montana, and man, do they love honey! They sure love the sweet texture!"

"Can't you go annoy someone else?"

"I already have, and it's you!" A few raindrops started to fall, and a smile spread across Clarissa's face. "Yay! It's gonna rain! Woot woot!"

"Oh no, I gotta set up my tent!" gasped Pam. She didn't waste any time in getting it set up.

"Want me to help?" asked Clarissa.

"I'll manage, thanks!"

"Suit yourself, baby!"

In the process, Pam's other things started to get wet. "Looks like your accessories are taking a nice shower!" giggled Clarissa.

"No!" howled Pam. "I'm such an idiot! I should have kept them in my backpack!"

"Aw, don't get yourself in such a dither!" said Clarissa. "At least, your tent is all set up. Go in there, and keep yourself dry."

"Will you just go?" said Pam. "I'm asking nicely, Clarissa."

"I think, I'll stay here, and keep ya company!" smiled Clarissa.

Pam's eyes blinked rapidly, and she started to run out of the tent, towards the lake. "Who needs peace and quiet? Not me! Forget it!" And she cackled like a witch, and fell into the lake.

"Pam, let me get you out, before you drown!" yelled Clarissa. She ran to the lake, and swam down to get Pam out. "Back to dry land, buddy! Well, what do you know? The rain has stopped!"

"Whoop de do!" said Pam, sarcastically. "So happy!"

A/N For Brenda and Skye's Mini Contest December 2019!!

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