Birthday Fun

14 7 4

All Of Us: Happy Birthday, Jaru!

xjarutox: Wow, thanks, guys!!!

MaryKLago: You're the birthday dude!

gmwells: Happy Birthday!

The-Man-with-No-Name: Help yourself to some pizza, man!

Me: And there is your cake!

JoeyJackswoods33: What pizza place did these pizzas come from?

MaryKLago: Antonio's Pizza Parlor. Best pizza place in Twin Falls!

jgblodgett26: Enjoy the pizza, chief! *pats Jaru on the back*

xjarutox: *eating his pizza* Thanks again, guys! I really appreciate the birthday wishes!

stormbro111: No problem, fam! *eats some meat lovers pizza*

Jeffrey: *getting extreme amounts of pizza*

Natasha: Slow down, Jeffrey! No more!

Jeffrey: Sorry!

This story was written on Thursday, December 12th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Everyone go wish xjarutox a Happy Birthday! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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