Writer's Block Looks Forward To 2020

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Writer's Block: I wonder what 2020 will be like?

susuwritesO: Only time will tell.

arikay12: Yup.

Writer's Block: What's so good about next year?

gmwells: The Summer Olympics is Japan! Gonna be lit!

Me: Yup, in Tokyo!

SakuraThePanzerOtaku: For sure! It's gonna be fantastic!

Writer's Block: I hope 2020 is much better than 2019. I kept being mistreated by people.

arikay12: That's actually pretty funny! Considering, that you make us writers not feel inspired to write!

Writer's Block: Well, hey, it's my job to make you uninspired!

violaplayer2004: That's probably one of the reasons, you didn't get your Nintendo Switch. Just gotta be good for next Christmas!

Writer's Block: I can't wait that long! What day is Christmas next year? Thursday, right?

Me: Nope, you're wrong, WB! It will be on a Friday, due to 2020 being a leap year!

gmwells: Yay, a leap year! When February has an extra day! 29 days!

violaplayer2004: Super awesome! When was the last leap year?

Me: 2016!

arikay12: You're so smart! You got a good memory, babe!

Me: Thanks, babe!

Writer's Block: Isn't Trump gonna be reelected next year?

gmwells: Not bloody likely, mate!

This story was written on Thursday, December 26th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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