Writer's Block Builds A Snowman

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Writer's Block: *builds a snowman* All I need is buttons, a carrot for the nose, and a hat!

Jeremy: I see, you built a snowman!

Writer's Block: I did.

Jeremy: I think it's missing something.

Writer's Block: What?

Jeremy: This! *destroys the snowman that WB built*

Writer's Block: Noooo!! I worked so hard on it!!

Jeremy: Get out of this cold, and sip some cocoa! Nice snowman, dude!

Writer's Block: Why do bad things keep happening to me?

This story was written on Wednesday, December 4th, 2019.

A/N Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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